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Security Testing

Security testing is a vital component of software development and quality assurance because it ensures a system or application is safeguarded against malicious threats, vulnerabilities and attacks. It focuses on identifying security weaknesses in the system, validating the effectiveness of its security controls, and ensuring compliance with security policies and regulations.

In this article, we will explore the types of security testing, their methodologies, tools, and real-world examples. We will highlight its significance in safeguarding systems from unauthorized access and data breaches.

What is Security Testing?

Security testing is a process designed to find security vulnerabilities in an information system to protect data and maintain its functionality. It ensures that software systems, applications and networks are protected from malicious attacks or unauthorized access. Security testing aims to identify any gaps in the system’s defenses and implement measures to mitigate them.

Security testing focuses on identifying software vulnerabilities and assesses the entire IT infrastructure, network configurations, and compliance requirements. The results are crucial for improving an organization’s security posture and helping to ensure that it meets legal, regulatory, and business requirements.

What Does Security Testing Involve?

Security testing typically focuses on validating five key security attributes:


It means keeping sensitive information safe and ensuring that only people who are allowed to see or use it can access it. It involves protecting data from being viewed, shared, or used by anyone who doesn’t have the proper permission. This is important to prevent unauthorized access and keep private information secure.


It ensures that data stays accurate, reliable, and unchanged, except by authorized users. It also ensures that information isn’t accidentally or intentionally altered, corrupted, or tampered with by anyone who doesn’t have permission. Maintaining data integrity helps ensure that the information is trustworthy and consistent over time.


Systems and data are accessible and ready for use whenever authorized users need them. It ensures that people who have permission can access the necessary information or services without delays or disruptions. This involves preventing system failures, minimizing downtime and ensuring that resources are always available when required.


It is the process of confirming that users are who they say they are. It involves verifying a person’s identity before allowing access to a system, service or data. This is usually done through something the user knows (like a password), something they have (like a security token), or something they are (like a fingerprint).


Process of ensuring that users, once authenticated, have the proper permissions to perform specific actions within a system. After verifying their identity, the system checks what the user is allowed to do, such as accessing certain files, editing information or using specific features.

Types of Security Testing

Security testing can be broken down into several types based on the nature of the testing and the focus area. Here’s a detailed look at the different types:

Vulnerability Scanning

It is an automated process used to identify security weaknesses or vulnerabilities in systems, networks or applications. It works by systematically examining components such as operating systems, devices and software to detect potential risks like outdated software, misconfigurations or open ports. These scans are typically performed using specialized tools that compare the environment against a database of known vulnerabilities.

By identifying these risks, vulnerability scanning enables organizations to proactively address issues before they can be exploited by attackers, enhancing overall security and helping meet regulatory compliance requirements. Regular scanning is essential for maintaining a robust security posture.

Types of Vulnerability Scanning

Here are the vulnerability scanning types, examples, and supporting tools:

  • Network-Based Vulnerability Testing: This type identifies vulnerabilities within network infrastructure, such as open ports, insecure protocols and outdated network devices. It scans routers, firewalls and servers for security gaps that could expose the network to external threats.
    • Example: A network scan might detect that a company’s firewall has an open port for a service that isn’t being used, which could allow unauthorized access from the outside. It might also reveal that a network switch is running outdated firmware that is vulnerable to known exploits.
    • Tools:
      • Nmap: Used for discovering hosts and services on a network.
      • Nessus: A popular tool for identifying network vulnerabilities.
  • Host-Based Vulnerability Testing: This targets individual computers, servers, or devices to detect vulnerabilities in operating systems, software and configurations. It checks for outdated software, weak passwords and misconfigurations on specific hosts.
    • Example: A host-based scan could detect that a web server is running an outdated version of PHP with known vulnerabilities that could allow remote code execution. It might also flag weak file permissions that could allow unauthorized users to access sensitive files.
    • Tools:
      • OpenVAS: An open-source tool for scanning host-based vulnerabilities.
      • Qualys Enterprise TruRisk: Offers in-depth scanning of individual hosts.
  • Application Vulnerability Testing: This testing identifies vulnerabilities in web applications, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS) and weak authentication mechanisms. Web applications are frequent targets of attacks, making this type of testing essential for ensuring secure online services.
    • Example: A scan of an e-commerce site might reveal that the login form is vulnerable to SQL injection, which could allow attackers to bypass authentication and gain access to customer data. Another vulnerability could be a lack of input validation that makes the site susceptible to cross-site scripting attacks.
    • Tools:
      • OWASP ZAP: A tool for testing web application security.
      • Burp Suite: An advanced platform for identifying web application vulnerabilities.
  • API Vulnerability Testing: API testing identifies vulnerabilities in application programming interfaces (APIs) that connect different systems or services. It checks for unsecured endpoints, improper authentication, and data leakage.
    • Example: A scan of an API used by a mobile banking app might reveal that it exposes sensitive data over HTTP instead of HTTPS, making it vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks. It could also identify missing authentication checks, allowing unauthorized access to certain API endpoints.
    • Tools:
      • Postman: A tool for testing and scanning API vulnerabilities.
      • OWASP Amass: A tool for discovering and mapping exposed API endpoints.
  • Cloud Vulnerability Testing: This type of testing focuses on identifying security risks in cloud infrastructure, such as misconfigured services, insecure APIs and exposed data. Cloud environments are increasingly targeted due to their widespread use, so ensuring cloud security is critical.
    • Example: A cloud vulnerability scan could detect that a cloud storage bucket containing sensitive files is publicly accessible due to a misconfiguration, exposing private data to anyone on the internet. It may also identify security flaws in the permissions of virtual machines hosted in the cloud.
    • Tools:
      • Qualys Cloud Security: A cloud-based tool for vulnerability scanning in cloud environments.
      • AWS Inspector: A tool for checking AWS infrastructure for vulnerabilities.

Penetration Testing (Pen Testing)

It is a proactive approach to evaluating the security of a computer system, network or application by simulating real-world attacks. In contrast to vulnerability scanning, which identifies potential security issues, penetration testing involves actively exploiting these vulnerabilities to determine whether they can lead to unauthorized access or other security breaches. The primary goal of pen testing is to identify and fix security gaps before malicious actors can exploit them.

Types of Penetration Testing

Here are the penetration testing types, examples, and supporting tools:

  • Black Box Testing: The tester has no prior knowledge of the system’s internal structure or details, simulating how an external attacker would approach the system. The tester must gather information from scratch and exploit any vulnerabilities found.
    • Example: A black box tester is tasked with attacking a company’s e-commerce website to see if they can exploit any vulnerabilities, such as bypassing login authentication or finding weaknesses in the site’s infrastructure, without any inside information about the network or web architecture.
    • Tools:
      • Nmap: Used for network discovery and scanning open ports
      • Metasploit: A penetration testing framework to exploit known vulnerabilities.
      • OWASP ZAP: An open-source tool for identifying web application vulnerabilities.
  • White Box Testing: It is also known as clear box testing, provides the tester with full knowledge of the system, including source code, network architecture and internal documents. This type of testing allows for a thorough and detailed examination of the system’s security flaws.
    • Example: A company shares its source code, system architecture and internal network configurations with a tester, who then looks for vulnerabilities like insecure coding practices, logic flaws and misconfigurations that attackers could exploit.
    • Tools:
      • Burp Suite: A comprehensive tool for identifying web vulnerabilities.
      • Checkmarx: A static application security testing (SAST) tool for analyzing source code for vulnerabilities.
      • SonarQube: Used for analyzing code quality and security issues.
  • Gray Box Testing: A hybrid approach where the tester has partial knowledge of the system, such as access to limited credentials or documentation. This type simulates an insider threat or an attacker with some information about the system, providing a balance between black and white box methods.
    • Example: An internal employee with user-level access could be simulated in this test. The tester uses provided login credentials and attempts to escalate privileges or move laterally within the network to access more sensitive areas, such as databases or admin-level systems.
    • Tools:
      • Wireshark: A network protocol analyzer used to monitor and analyze traffic.
      • John the Ripper: A password-cracking tool to test the strength of passwords.
      • SQLMap: A tool for automating the detection and exploitation of SQL injection vulnerabilities.
  • External Testing: It targets the external-facing components of a system, such as web applications, public servers or firewalls. The goal is to identify vulnerabilities that attackers could exploit from outside the network.
    • Example: An external penetration test might target an organization’s public-facing web server, looking for vulnerabilities such as open ports, weak encryption methods or publicly exposed APIs that an attacker could exploit from outside the network.
    • Tools:
      • Nessus: A widely used vulnerability scanner for detecting security issues in external systems.
      • Acunetix: A tool for identifying vulnerabilities in web applications.
      • Shodan: A search engine that identifies exposed devices and services on the internet.
  • Internal Testing: It simulates an attack from within the organization’s internal network, assessing the security from the perspective of a malicious insider or an attacker who has breached the perimeter defenses.
    • Example: An internal pen test might simulate a scenario where an employee with limited network access attempts to escalate privileges, move laterally or access confidential information stored on servers or databases within the internal network.
    • Tools:
      • BloodHound: A tool used for mapping and exploring Active Directory domain privileges.
      • Empire: A post-exploitation framework for gaining persistence and escalating privileges on compromised systems.
      • PowerSploit: A set of PowerShell scripts used for post-exploitation in internal networks
  • Social Engineering Penetration Testing: Focuses on manipulating people into divulging sensitive information, such as login credentials or bypassing security controls. This type of penetration testing doesn’t exploit technical vulnerabilities but instead exploits human weaknesses through methods such as phishing, pretexting or baiting.
    • Example: A tester might send phishing emails to employees, attempting to trick them into revealing their passwords. Alternatively, they may try to gain physical access to restricted areas by impersonating maintenance personnel.
    • Tools:
      • SET (Social Engineer Toolkit): A framework designed to simulate social engineering attacks, including phishing and credential harvesting.
      • GoPhish: A tool used for creating and executing phishing campaigns to test employee awareness.
      • Maltego: A tool used for information gathering and social engineering reconnaissance.

Security Auditing

It is a systematic process of evaluating an organization’s information systems, networks and security controls to ensure that they are functioning correctly and adhering to relevant security policies, standards and regulatory requirements. It is designed to identify vulnerabilities, misconfigurations and other security risks that could expose an organization to attacks, data breaches or compliance issues. Security audits can be internal or external and typically involve both automated tools and manual reviews to assess the overall security posture of the organization.

Types of Security Auditing

Here are the security auditing types, examples, and supporting tools:

  • Internal Security Audits: They are performed by an organization’s internal security team or audit department. The primary objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of security policies, procedures and controls from within the organization. Internal audits are usually more frequent and aim to uncover vulnerabilities, compliance issues or misconfigurations before an external audit or security breach occurs.
    • Example: An internal IT team conducts a security audit on the organization’s password policy and access control mechanisms, checking for weak passwords, unnecessary admin privileges and outdated security protocols.
    • Tools:
      • Splunk: For monitoring, log analysis and compliance auditing.
      • SolarWinds Security Event Manager: For real-time monitoring and audit trail management.
      • Open-AudIT: An open-source tool for auditing and managing network devices and configurations.
  • External Security Audits: They are conducted by independent third-party auditors or cybersecurity firms. These audits provide an objective assessment of the organization’s security posture and compliance with regulatory requirements. External audits are often required for certifications, such as ISO 27001 or to meet compliance standards such as PCI-DSS and HIPAA.
    • Example: A healthcare provider undergoes an external security audit to assess compliance with HIPAA regulations. The auditor evaluates data encryption, access controls and data storage policies to ensure the protection of patient health information.
    • Tools:
      • Tenable.io: A cloud-based platform for vulnerability and compliance auditing.
      • Nessus: Widely used for identifying vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in systems.
      • Qualys Enterprise TruRisk: A cloud-based tool that offers vulnerability scanning and compliance assessments for external audits.
  • Compliance Audits: They focus on ensuring that an organization adheres to specific industry regulations, standards or legal requirements. Common regulatory frameworks include PCI-DSS for payment card security, HIPAA for healthcare data protection, GDPR for data privacy and SOX for financial reporting. These audits are often mandatory and check whether security practices meet legal and regulatory requirements.
    • Example: A financial institution undergoes a compliance audit to meet PCI-DSS requirements, ensuring that payment systems securely handle and store credit card information. The audit examines encryption protocols, network security and user authentication processes.
    • Tools:
      • PCI DSS Compliance Tool by Qualys: A dedicated tool for ensuring PCI compliance.
      • Netwrix Auditor: A compliance auditing tool that helps organizations meet regulatory standards like GDPR, HIPAA and SOX.
      • Vanta: A tool designed to automate compliance with standards like SOC 2, ISO 27001 and GDPR.
  • Operational Security Audits: They focus on the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization’s security operations. These audits examine the day-to-day activities related to security management, such as incident response, patch management and vulnerability assessments. The goal is to identify areas for operational improvement and optimize security processes.
    • Example: An organization conducts an operational audit to evaluate how quickly its IT team responds to security incidents. The audit finds that incident response times are slower than recommended, leading to suggestions for improved monitoring and automation tools.
    • Tools:
      • Splunk: A tool for real-time monitoring and operational auditing of security events.
      • ServiceNow: A platform for managing and automating security operations, including incident response and threat management.
      • Rapid7 InsightVM: A tool that provides operational insights and metrics for vulnerability management and security posture improvement.
  • Technical Audits: They focus on the technical aspects of an organization’s IT infrastructure, such as firewalls, servers, routers, databases and application configurations. These audits assess the technical implementations of security controls to detect vulnerabilities, misconfigurations or outdated software that could expose the organization to threats.
    • Example: A technical security audit identifies that a company’s web application is running on an outdated version of Apache, which contains vulnerabilities. The audit also finds that several server configurations are insecure, such as default passwords being used for admin accounts.
    • Tools:
      • Nmap: For network scanning and discovering open ports, misconfigurations and vulnerable services.
      • Nessus: Used to identify technical vulnerabilities in networks, operating systems and applications.
      • Wireshark: For analyzing network traffic and detecting insecure communication protocols.
  • Risk-Based Audits: They focus on identifying and assessing the most critical security risks within an organization’s IT environment. The auditor evaluates potential threats, vulnerabilities and the impact of those risks on the organization. This type of audit helps prioritize risk mitigation strategies based on the likelihood and severity of security threats.
    • Example: A company undergoes a risk-based audit that identifies its critical assets, such as customer databases and evaluates the likelihood of a data breach. The audit highlights that certain servers hosting sensitive information are vulnerable to malware attacks due to outdated antivirus software.
    • Tools:
      • OCTAVE: A risk assessment methodology and tool for evaluating security risks and their potential impact on the organization.
      • FAIR: A risk management framework for analyzing and quantifying security risks.
      • Archer: A platform for risk management and risk-based auditing, helping organizations assess threats and plan mitigations.
  • Cloud Security Audits: They evaluate the security of cloud infrastructure, services and configurations. These audits check for misconfigurations, insecure APIs, improper access control and data leaks within cloud environments such as AWS, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure. Cloud audits are increasingly important as organizations move critical data and operations to the cloud.
    • Example: An audit of a company’s AWS infrastructure identifies several publicly accessible S3 buckets containing sensitive information. The audit also highlights the lack of multi-factor authentication (MFA) for cloud administrator accounts, increasing the risk of unauthorized access.
    • Tools:
      • AWS Inspector: A security assessment service for auditing and identifying vulnerabilities in AWS environments.
      • Prisma Cloud: A tool for auditing cloud infrastructure security and compliance across multiple cloud platforms.
      • Qualys Cloud Security: A cloud-based platform for auditing the security and compliance of cloud environments.

Ethical Hacking

It is also known as white-hat hacking or penetration testing. Ethical hacking is the practice of intentionally probing and testing a system’s security by identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities but with legal permission and a constructive goal. Unlike malicious hackers, ethical hackers work to strengthen the security of an organization’s networks, applications or systems. By simulating cyberattacks, they help organizations uncover security weaknesses, assess potential risks and provide recommendations for improving defenses. Ethical hacking is crucial for preventing unauthorized breaches, ensuring data protection and maintaining compliance with industry regulations.

Types of Ethical Hacking

Here are the ethical hacking types, examples, and supporting tools:

  • Web Application Hacking: It focuses on identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities in web applications. This type of ethical hacking targets common security flaws such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS) and insecure authentication mechanisms.
    • Example: An ethical hacker discovers a vulnerability in a web application’s login form that allows SQL injection. By exploiting this flaw, the hacker can bypass authentication and access user data. After identifying the issue, the hacker reports the vulnerability to the development team for remediation.
    • Tools:
      • Burp Suite: A comprehensive platform for testing web applications, allowing ethical hackers to find security flaws like SQL injection and XSS.
      • OWASP ZAP: An open-source tool used for web application vulnerability scanning and exploitation.
      • Netsparker: An automated tool for detecting web application vulnerabilities, including injection flaws and misconfigurations.
  • Network Hacking: Focuses on identifying vulnerabilities in network infrastructure, such as routers, switches, firewalls and servers. Ethical hackers assess network security by scanning for open ports, misconfigurations, weak encryption and insecure protocols.
    • Example: An ethical hacker scans a company’s network and finds an open port on a firewall that is unintentionally exposed to the internet. By exploiting this open port, the hacker could potentially access internal systems. The issue is reported and the firewall configuration is updated to close the vulnerability.
    • Tools:
      • Nmap: A network scanning tool that helps identify open ports, services and vulnerabilities in network devices.
      • Wireshark: A network protocol analyzer used to capture and inspect network traffic, which helps in identifying insecure communication or protocols.
      • Metasploit: A penetration testing framework used to exploit network vulnerabilities and test network defenses.
  • Wireless Network Hacking: It involves assessing the security of wireless networks, primarily Wi-Fi networks. Ethical hackers test wireless encryption protocols, access points and wireless client devices to find vulnerabilities that could allow unauthorized access.
    • Example: An ethical hacker identifies that an organization’s Wi-Fi network is using WEP encryption, which is outdated and easily cracked. By using wireless hacking tools, the hacker successfully cracks the encryption and gains access to the network. The hacker reports the weakness and suggests upgrading to WPA3 encryption for better security.
    • Tools:
      • Aircrack-ng: A tool used for auditing wireless networks and cracking weak encryption protocols like WEP and WPA.
      • Kismet: A wireless network and device detector that helps identify vulnerable access points and unauthorized devices.
      • Wireshark: Can also be used in wireless network analysis to monitor and capture traffic over Wi-Fi networks.
  • Social Engineering: Focuses on manipulating human behavior to gain unauthorized access to systems or data. This form of ethical hacking tests an organization’s resilience against phishing, pretexting, baiting and other psychological tactics.
    • Example: An ethical hacker conducts a phishing simulation by sending fraudulent emails to employees, asking them to click on a link and enter their login credentials. Several employees fall for the phishing attack, which the hacker reports to the organization. As a result, the company implements better training and awareness programs.
    • Tools:
      • SET (Social Engineer Toolkit): A framework designed to perform social engineering attacks such as phishing and credential harvesting simulations.
      • GoPhish: A tool used to create and execute phishing campaigns to test employee awareness and response to phishing attacks.
      • Maltego: A tool for gathering information about individuals or organizations to aid in social engineering reconnaissance.
  • Cloud Hacking: Involves identifying security vulnerabilities in cloud infrastructures, services and applications. Ethical hackers assess cloud configurations, access controls and APIs to ensure data stored in the cloud is secure.
    • Example: An ethical hacker performs a security audit on a company’s AWS environment and finds that several S3 buckets containing sensitive data are publicly accessible. The hacker reports the issue and the organization immediately restricts access to these storage buckets.
    • Tools:
      • AWS Inspector: A cloud-based tool used for auditing AWS environments and identifying vulnerabilities in cloud instances and services.
      • CloudSploit: A tool for scanning cloud accounts and detecting misconfigurations that could lead to security risks.
      • Prisma Cloud: A security tool for auditing and securing cloud infrastructures across AWS, Azure and Google Cloud.

Risk Assessment

It is a systematic process used to identify, evaluate and prioritize potential risks that could affect an organization’s operations, assets or data. It involves analyzing both the likelihood of security threats and their potential impact on business continuity, allowing organizations to understand vulnerabilities in their systems. This process helps organizations make informed decisions on allocating resources effectively for risk mitigation.

By identifying and assessing risks organizations can implement appropriate controls, improve their security posture and comply with regulatory requirements. Risk assessment is crucial for minimizing potential damages from cyberattacks, data breaches or operational failures.

Types of Risk Assessment

Here are the risk assessment types, examples, and supporting tools:

  • Qualitative Risk Assessment: Evaluates risks based on the likelihood of occurrence and potential impact using descriptive or subjective ratings such as “high,” “medium,” or “low.” This type of assessment is less focused on numerical data and more on the perceived severity of risks, making it simpler to implement but sometimes less precise.
    • Example: An organization conducts a qualitative risk assessment to determine the risk level of different cyber threats, such as phishing attacks or insider threats. Using expert judgment, the company assigns a “high” likelihood and “high” impact rating to phishing and a “medium” rating to insider threats, prioritizing phishing prevention measures accordingly.
    • Tools:
      • RiskWatch: A tool that supports qualitative risk assessments by offering templates and frameworks for evaluating security risks.
      • Risk Matrix: A simple tool that visually represents risks on a grid based on likelihood and impact.
  • Quantitative Risk Assessment: Uses numerical data and statistical methods to assess risks, often calculating the monetary value of potential losses and the probability of those losses occurring. This method provides a more detailed and precise evaluation, helping organizations make data-driven decisions about risk mitigation.
    • Example: A bank performs a quantitative risk assessment to determine the financial impact of a data breach. By estimating the potential loss of customer data and calculating the likelihood of the breach based on historical data, the bank determines the annualized loss expectancy (ALE) and sets aside resources to mitigate the risk.
    • Tools:
      • FAIR (Factor Analysis of Information Risk): A popular framework used to quantify risk in terms of probability and financial impact.
      • Monte Carlo Simulation: A method that helps assess the probability of different risks occurring and their potential impact by running simulations based on variable inputs.
  • Vulnerability-Based Risk Assessment: Involves identifying specific vulnerabilities in systems or networks and assessing the risks that arise from these weaknesses. This type of assessment focuses on existing vulnerabilities and how they could be exploited by potential threats.
    • Example: A manufacturing company conducts a vulnerability-based risk assessment after discovering that some of its critical machines are running outdated software. The assessment identifies how these vulnerabilities could be exploited to disrupt operations and helps prioritize patching and security updates.
    • Tools:
      • Nessus: A vulnerability scanner that helps identify system vulnerabilities and assess the associated risks.
      • OpenVAS: An open-source tool for vulnerability scanning and management, which aids in conducting vulnerability-based risk assessments.
  • Threat-Based Risk Assessment: Focuses on identifying potential threats that could affect an organization’s systems, such as cyberattacks, natural disasters or insider threats. The assessment evaluates how these threats could impact the organization and what controls are in place to mitigate them.
    • Example: A government agency conducts a threat-based risk assessment focused on nation-state cyberattacks. The assessment evaluates how such attacks could target sensitive data, disrupt services and cause reputational damage. The agency implements advanced security controls like intrusion detection systems and encryption to mitigate these risks.
    • Tools:
      • ThreatModeler: A tool that helps in assessing and modeling potential threats to an organization’s systems.
      • Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool: A tool designed to assess and visualize potential security threats and develop mitigation strategies.
  • Dynamic Risk Assessment: Involves continuously assessing risks in real-time or near real-time, typically in environments that are constantly changing, such as during ongoing operations or evolving cyber threats. This type of risk assessment helps organizations remain adaptive and responsive to emerging risks.
    • Example: A financial trading firm uses dynamic risk assessment to monitor cybersecurity threats as they arise, such as new zero-day vulnerabilities or emerging phishing scams. The firm’s security team can respond quickly by updating firewall rules or blocking malicious IP addresses as the threats evolve.
    • Tools:
      • Splunk: A tool that provides real-time monitoring of security events and supports dynamic risk assessment by allowing teams to respond to emerging threats.
      • Rapid7 InsightIDR: A tool that offers real-time visibility into security risks and threat detection, helping organizations continuously assess and mitigate risks.

Red Team Testing

It is an advanced security testing technique where a group of ethical hackers (the “Red Team”) simulates real-world attacks on an organization’s systems, networks and applications to evaluate its security defenses. Unlike traditional penetration testing, Red Team testing is more comprehensive and stealthy, often mimicking persistent threats to identify vulnerabilities in the organization’s detection, response and defense mechanisms.

The goal is to assess the overall security posture by testing not only technical defenses but also the readiness of the security team (the “Blue Team”) to detect and respond to an attack.

Types of Red Team Testing

Here are the red team testing types:

  • External Testing: Simulates attacks from external sources targeting publicly exposed assets like websites, networks or APIs.
  • Internal Testing: Focuses on threats originating from within the organization, such as insider attacks.
  • Physical Red Team Testing: Assesses the physical security of the organization, attempting to gain unauthorized access to secure areas or facilities.
  • Social Engineering: Involves manipulating employees or users to bypass security protocols (e.g., phishing attacks).

Real-World Examples of Security Breaches

In recent years, the software industry has been under increasing pressure to deal with more sophisticated and diverse security threats. These threats exploit vulnerabilities in software applications, supply chains and networks, putting sensitive data and infrastructure at risk. Below are some of the most prominent and recent real-life security threats in the software industry:

Log4Shell Vulnerability (2021)

The Log4Shell vulnerability, found in the widely used Apache Log4j logging library, is one of the most severe vulnerabilities of recent times. Discovered in December 2021, this zero-day vulnerability allowed attackers to execute arbitrary code on servers running vulnerable versions of Log4j simply by sending specially crafted log messages. The simplicity of the exploit, combined with the fact that Log4j is embedded in millions of systems worldwide, made this a critical and far-reaching security issue.


  • The vulnerability was exploited in ransomware attacks, data breaches and cryptomining campaigns.
  • Organizations such as cloud service providers, gaming companies and financial institutions were affected.

Facebook Data Breach (2021)

In April 2021, personal data from over 533 million Facebook users was leaked online. The data included phone numbers, email addresses, full names and locations. This breach resulted from scraping vulnerabilities in Facebook’s platform, which allowed malicious actors to extract large amounts of data over time.


  • Sensitive personal information, including phone numbers and emails, was leaked, leaving users vulnerable to phishing attacks and identity theft.
  • Affected users from over 100 countries.

GitHub Code Space Attack (2022)

In April 2022, GitHub warned of a new attack vector where attackers used GitHub Actions workflows to mine cryptocurrency. The attackers injected malicious code into repositories with public access, leveraging the GitHub infrastructure for crypto mining. Though GitHub acted swiftly, this attack highlighted a previously unexploited aspect of CI/CD pipelines.


  • Crypto mining operations consumed valuable GitHub resources.
  • Developers with misconfigured repositories became unwitting victims.

Security Testing for LLMs

Today, in addition to the above-mentioned scenarios, we are also worried about the security of large language models (LLMs) we use in our day-to-day tasks. They are still evolving and prone to many vulnerabilities. Security testing of LLMs is crucial due to the potential risks and vulnerabilities associated with their deployment. LLMs are susceptible to threats like prompt injection, data leakage, model inversion attacks, and adversarial inputs that could lead to unintended behaviors or data exposure.

To address these concerns, the OWASP Top 10 for LLMs highlights the most critical security risks. This list includes vulnerabilities such as unauthorized code execution, data poisoning, excessive resource consumption, sensitive data exposure, and improper handling of user inputs. By understanding and mitigating these risks, organizations can secure LLMs from exploitation and ensure they adhere to safety and privacy standards, ultimately maintaining trust and integrity in AI-driven systems.

Here is a detailed article that explains the OWASP top 10 for LLMs in simple terms, provides examples, suggests ways to mitigate these risks, provides sample test cases, and describes real-world incidents of LLM exploitation.


Security testing is a critical part of the software development lifecycle, ensuring that applications and systems are secure from potential threats and vulnerabilities. By implementing various types of security testing, such as penetration testing, vulnerability scanning, risk assessment, and ethical hacking, organizations can identify security weaknesses and address them before they can be exploited.

The choice of security testing tools depends on the organization’s specific needs and the type of security threats it faces. Regular testing, combined with a proactive approach to security, helps protect sensitive data, maintain user trust, and ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations. As the threat landscape continues to evolve, the importance of security testing will only grow, making it a key component of modern cybersecurity strategies.

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