Blog / Author: Hari Mahesh

Headless Browser Testing: When and How to Use It?

In automation testing, we try to reduce the execution time as much as possible. To achieve that, usually the parallel execution ...

Mocks, Spies, and Stubs: How to Use?

Mocks, Spies, and Stubs are three different types of test doubles that we use in software testing. These are mainly used in unit ...

Micro-frontends Automated Testing: Is It Possible?

Micro-frontends have considerably evolved the design and development of modern web applications. They extend the concept of ...

Chatbots Testing: Automation Strategies

Chatbots have become a critical part of most of online services across different industries. Chatbots support services like ...

Localization vs. Internationalization Testing Guide

Localization (L10N) and Internationalization (I18N) are two terms that usually get interchanged or confuse people. Though these ...
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