testRigor Blog

Learn about test automation, codeless testing, and AI

Automated Testing Best Practices in Highly Regulated Industries

What are regulated industries in automated testing context? Regulated industries are sectors of the economy that operate under strict rules and guidelines established by government bodies or industry standards organizations. In the context of automated testing, understanding these regulations is crucial as they impact how testing must be conducted to ensure public safety, consumer protection, …

Top 60 Test Automation Tools to Choose from in 2024

The quote precisely mentions the most important action point during software testing. When there is late bug detection in a ...

Automating Usability Testing: Approaches and Tools

Imagine a company designs a new mobile banking app. They test it with a group of people. During the testing, some users have ...

DevSecOps vs. DevOps: Differences, Tools, and Strategies

What is DevSecOps? DevSecOps stands for Development, Security, and Operations. It’s a way of approaching software ...

Chatbots Testing: Automation Strategies

Chatbots have become a critical part of most of online services across different industries. Chatbots support services like ...

Localization vs. Internationalization Testing Guide

Localization (L10N) and Internationalization (I18N) are two terms that usually get interchanged or confuse people. Though these ...

Test Automation in Scrum: How to do it Effectively?

Imagine you’re a software development team building a recipe website. Traditionally, the entire project might be planned ...
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