testRigor Blog

Weekly QA Testing Knowledge

What is the Role of Quality Assurance in Machine Learning?

Imagine a self-driving car. It’s a marvel of modern technology, capable of navigating roads, avoiding obstacles, and even making decisions in real-time. But what happens when that car misinterprets a stop sign as a speed limit or confuses a pedestrian with a shadow? The consequences could be catastrophic. This is where the critical role of …

AI in Engineering: How AI is changing the software industry?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing many industries, and software engineering is one of the most profoundly affected. ...

Self-healing Tests

Introduction The idea of self-healing tests emerged as a response to the growing complexity and challenges in software ...

How to Improve QA Efficiency?

Improving QA (Quality Assurance) efficiency is critical in modern software development, particularly in an Agile and competitive ...

Impact of AI on Engineering: What the Future Holds for Engineers

Artificial intelligence, once a domain of science fiction, is now a cornerstone of the IT industry. From automating mundane tasks ...

Test Plan Template

“Plan your work and work your plan” — Napoleon Hill. This philosophy holds even in software testing. Of the many artifacts ...

7 Most Common Engineering Bugs and How to Avoid Them

Software bugs may seem harmless when seen in isolation. However, even a seemingly minor software error can have catastrophic ...
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