testRigor Blog

Weekly QA Testing Knowledge

DevSecOps vs. DevOps: Differences, Tools, and Strategies

What is DevSecOps? DevSecOps stands for Development, Security, and Operations. It’s a way of approaching software development that emphasizes incorporating security considerations into all process stages, from the very beginning to deployment. Traditionally, security testing might have been done as an afterthought right before release. DevSecOps aims to change that by making security a shared …

Chatbots Testing: Automation Strategies

Chatbots have become a critical part of most of online services across different industries. Chatbots support services like ...

Localization vs. Internationalization Testing Guide

Localization (L10N) and Internationalization (I18N) are two terms that usually get interchanged or confuse people. Though these ...

Test Automation in Scrum: How to do it Effectively?

Imagine you’re a software development team building a recipe website. Traditionally, the entire project might be planned ...

Smoke Testing vs. Sanity Testing

Software testing is all about making sure a program works the way it’s supposed to. But there are many ways to test ...

Blockchain Testing: How to do it?

The launch of Bitcoin in 2009 introduced the concept of blockchain to the world. As the first decentralized digital currency, ...

5G and Mobile Test Automation: What is the Impact?

Based upon the technological changes and significant advancements in speed, capacity, and capabilities, mobile networks. The ...
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