testRigor Blog

Weekly QA Testing Knowledge

CSS Selector vs XPath: Your Pocket Cheat Sheet

What is a locator in Selenium? Locators in Selenium are used to find a specific element in web pages. We can use them to find almost any part of a web page. Once we have a locator expression that uniquely identifies a specific web element, we can pass this to the WebDriver object and then …

TechWell Webinar | End to End Testing with testRigor

Data shows that only 30% of end-to-end tests are automated in 2022. But why? In this webinar, we will go through the challenges ...

Cucumber JS with Selenium

Using a BDD(Behavior Driven Development) framework in QA automation is a questionable approach, although not an uncommon one. ...

testRigor Settings Explained

Are you looking to expande your knowledge on what each setting in testRigor is responsible for? We’ve prepared these short ...
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