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Release Notes: JavaScript in Console, Custom Fields for Xray, API for known issues

Last week, a variety of additions were made.

Custom Commands

  • testRigor allows you to run Javascript in the browser as an advanced user would do from the browser console. It refers to commands as follows:
execute JavaScript in the browser text starting from next line and ending with [END] 
... document.querySelector("#input1").value = "John Doe"; ... [END]

Integrations (Xray for JIRA Cloud)

  • Users can now create custom fields for Xray and decide whether to make them required or not for the test execution that will be imported.
  • The configuration for creating custom fields in a test suite:
    • Go to Settings->Integrations and scroll down to the Xray Cloud section. There, users can add custom fields.
    • Each custom field is composed of 2 attributes:
      • Name: The name of the custom field in your Xray configuration.
      • Default Value: The value that will be sent if it was not overridden.
  • Populating custom fields of a suite:
    • All custom fields added are listed in the Test Suite Details Section.
    • Setting a field value will override the default value set.
  • Populating test case custom fields:
    • On the Test Cases page for each test case linked to a Xray Test, we added a Custom Field button to test cases linked to Xray Cloud.
    • When we click on this button, a modal will be shown to populate the custom fields.
    • The fields set on the test case will override the default value and the value set in the suite.
  • Added CI/CD info:
    • In the CI/CD Integration Section, the information to send the suite custom fields was added for when we try to rerun by API integration.


  • The retest API can now accept a new parameter for branch/commit retests that allows errors in that run to be marked as known issues. This will also mark the error as a known issue in all runs executed after the one it was marked in.
    • The new parameter is called allowKnownIssues, and it has to be included in the branch parameter of the api call as follows:
"branch": { "name": "branch-name", "commit": "commit-hash", "allowKnownIssues": true}
  • allowKnownIssues is optional and false by default.
  • A line documenting this behavior was added with an example in the CI/CD tab.