Release Notes: Renaming of Test Run holds the value through other screens, Add Status API for each test run with detailed response
Renaming of Test Run for all screens
We have added the Custom Name of the runs on the run details pages. Whenever we add a name to a run, the name will be displayed along with the ID on all the run pages. Also, we have added the edit name button on the Run Details page.
The pages where changes are visible include:
- All Runs
- Run Details
- Test Cases Executed
- Errors
- Reports
- Tree View
- Captured Data
You can see the results here:
All runs
Run Details
Edit Button on Run Details Page
Test Cases Executed
Tree view
Captured data
In case you’re not able to view changes, proceed to reload the page or clear cache.
Add Status API for each test run with detailed response:
Here we share the list of new Endpoints. You can also find this documentation present in CI/CD section as image below:
Additional APIs view in CI/CD integration section
- New API endpoint for Run Details:This endpoint will provide overall info about a specific Test Suite execution, by calling the API:<suite-id>/runs/<run-id>
The response is in json format and will be as below:
{ "status": 200, "data": { "id": "<run-id>", "applicationId": "<suite-id>", "status": "Failed", "url": "<url>", "createdAt": "2024-08-02T09:41:31.068", "startedAt": "2024-08-02T09:41:39.012", "finishedAt": "2024-08-02T09:46:22.679", "updatedAt": "2024-08-02T14:58:03.631", "createdBy": "<email>", "nodes": [ { "provider": "<provider>", "os": "<os>", "browser": "<browser>" }, ], "testStats": { "total": 10, "inQueue": 0, "inProgress": 0, "failed": 2, "passed": 8, "canceled": 0, "notStarted": 0, "uncompleted": 0 }, "errorStats": [ { "severity": "CRITICAL", "count": 1 } ] }
- New API endpoint for a Test Case Execution:The new endpoint provides a more detailed information about a specific Test Case execution, represented by it’s UUID, this will be possible by calling the API:<suite-id>/runs/<run-id>/testcases/<test-case-uuid>/executions/<uuid>
Calling this endpoint will provide a response in json format with the information as below:
{ "status": 200, "data": [ { "step": 1, "stepDescription": "", "status": "NotChanged", "originalStatus": "NotChanged", "createdAt": "2024-08-09T10:45:51.061", "errors": [], "consoleHttpRequestLogPath": "<suite-id>/runs/<run-id>/testcases/<test-case-uuid>/executions/<uuid>/steps/1/" }, { "step": 2, "stepDescription": "<description 2>", "status": "NotChanged", "originalStatus": "NotChanged", "createdAt": "2024-08-09T10:45:51.209", "errors": [] }, { "step": 3, "stepDescription": "<description 3>", "status": "NotChanged", "originalStatus": "NotChanged", "createdAt": "2024-08-09T10:45:54.395", "errors": [], "consoleHttpRequestLogPath": "<suite-id>/runs/<run-id>/testcases/<test-case-uuid>/executions/<uuid>/steps/3/", "apiCallResponseInfoPath": "<suite-id>/runs/<run-id>/testcases/<test-case-uuid>/executions/<uuid>/steps/3/api-call-response" }, { "step": 4, "stepDescription": "<failing description 4>", "status": "Failed", "originalStatus": "Failed", "createdAt": "2024-08-09T10:46:25.191", "errors": [ { "errorDescription": "<error description>'", "status": "ACTIVE", "severity": "CRITICAL", "category": "DISCREPANCY" } ] } ] }