Blog / Author: Anushree Chatterjee

Zoom Testing

Zoom has gained popularity since the COVID-19 pandemic and has become the go-to option for conducting virtual meetings. It is a ...

How to do email testing using testRigor?

Emails are a part of many workflows and might come up frequently when performing end-to-end testing. Here’s a detailed ...

How to do API testing using testRigor?

During testing, you might find yourself in a situation where you might need to work directly with APIs. testRigor allows you to ...

How to do file testing using testRigor?

File uploading might come up frequently when performing end-to-end testing. Here’s a detailed how-to guide for you to ... Testing

You need a payment gateway in several scenarios, especially when you are running a business that requires secure, efficient, and ...

Corniche Testing

In the financial sector, you will see various competent products in the market that offer core banking services by developing ...

BankPoint Testing

The banking sector is one of the most tightly regulated as well as complicated sectors. This is because, along with dealing with ...

MyBanco Testing

MyBanco is a core banking framework that provides the necessary infrastructure and functionalities to support banking operations. ...

Mifos X Testing

Mifos X is an open-source financial services platform designed to provide a comprehensive solution for financial institutions, ...
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