Blog / Author: Anushree Chatterjee

How to Write Effective Test Scripts for Automation?

Test automation can be helpful for achieving QA goals. You can write test scripts that machines run on your behalf as often as ...

How to automate iOS testing with testRigor?

Traditional testing tools make it a challenge to validate any app that is not web-based. You might encounter issues such as: ...

How to do mobile testing using testRigor?

The popularity of mobile apps these days warrants the need for mobile testing. With testRigor, you can easily test your ...

Cross-browser Testing: Strategies for Success

Cross-browser Testing Imagine that you’ve spent countless hours crafting a beautiful, functional website. You’re ...

How to Manage Technical Debt Effectively?

Imagine you’re zooming down the highway with the wind in your hair in a high-performance sports car. Suddenly you hear a ...

Test Reports – Everything You Need to Get Started

Imagine that you are a part of the testing team in an organization that has performed a series of activities during the testing ...

How to Automate Database Testing?

Imagine a scenario where a bank’s online system is undergoing a significant upgrade. The developers have worked tirelessly ...