Blog / Author: Heather Brooks

Cypress is Dead

Cypress aspired to be an end-to-end testing framework. But it is not living up to the expectation. Moreover, all of its features ...

FAQ – What problem does testRigor solve for its customers?

The biggest problem that we face with customers is that once you create automation, you’re stuck with maintenance. ...

Tips & Tricks – How to Test iFrames & Shadow DOMs

You can use testRigor to seamlessly test pages containing multiple levels of nested iframes and shadow DOMs. In this session we ...

FAQ – Why testRigor if there are other tools on the market?

We are the only company that not only helps your non-technical employees to be able to effectively build automated tests 15 times ...

FAQ – Why are testRigor tests so stable?

TestRigor tests are so stable because we are running on the human level. The problem with Selenium and other frameworks on the ...

How to Automate Testing Tables

How to automate testing tables When automating tables you want to make sure you use the most stable and the easiest way to do it. ...

FAQ – Is testRigor secure?

TestRigor is extremely secure. We take security very seriously. That is why we are SOC2 TYPE2 compliant and we run external ...

FAQ – How is testRigor different from Cucumber Gherkin?

testRigor is different from Cucumber or Gherkin in fundamental way specifications are executable out of the box. There is no need ...