Blog / Author: Heather Brooks

Tips & Tricks – How to Autonomously Generate Tests

There are many ways to create tests in testRigor. In this session we will talk about two ways to generate tests autonomously. The ...

FAQ – Does testRigor support BDD?

TestRigor does support BDD; however, BDD is a very broad term and there’s a little bit of mixing misconception about BDD is ...

FAQ – In what order should I write tests?

We at testRigor believe that the order should be the most important functionality first so whatever is most business critical ...

FAQ – Whats the ideal percentage of test coverage?

There’s a very interesting thing about test coverage in the QA industry. It’s not exactly well-defined. Because when ...

FAQ – Whats the most efficient way to use testRigor?

We have two most efficient ways to use testRigor. The first part is how you automate your existing test cases. And for that, you ...

FAQ – Does testRigor test mobile applications?

TestRigor does test mobile applications both Android applications and iOS applications, both pure native applications and hybrid ...

FAQ – Can testRigor run my manual test case?

TestRigor can run test cases the way you write them. The way it works is very interesting. By default, testRigor has a specific ...