testRigor Blog

Weekly QA Testing Knowledge

Shift Left Testing – Software Testing Done Early

Shift left testing strategy relies on user requirements and normally commences with operational testing. For this, testRigor lets you generate instant user-driven test cases. You and your team can evaluate the software planning in the early development phase and align it with the user requirements. What is Shift Left Testing? Shift left testing means shifting …

Cross-browser Testing: Strategies for Success

Cross-browser Testing Imagine that you’ve spent countless hours crafting a beautiful, functional website. You’re ...

Cybersecurity Testing in 2024: Impact of AI

The scope of cybersecurity is changing all the time, new threats, vulnerabilities and vectors of attack are always appearing. As ...

How to Manage Technical Debt Effectively?

Imagine you’re zooming down the highway with the wind in your hair in a high-performance sports car. Suddenly you hear a ...

Test Reports – Everything You Need to Get Started

Imagine that you are a part of the testing team in an organization that has performed a series of activities during the testing ...
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