testRigor Blog

Weekly QA Testing Knowledge

AI Engineer: The Skills and Qualifications Needed

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the face of industries worldwide, which also implies that there will be a greater need for people who can utilize this potent technology. As part of this revolution, AI engineers are leading the way by developing sophisticated algorithms and employing machine learning and data science techniques to develop intelligent systems. …

Test Artifacts: Meaning, Types, and Best Practices

Have you ever stepped on and got tangled into a loose cable in the dark? It’s a painful reminder of the importance of ...

Production Testing: What’s the Best Approach?

When it comes to software testing, the more is usually the better. That is why many companies are now employing continuous ...

How to Choose the Right Tech Stack for Engineering?

Building an application is like building a house. Before you begin the building job, you’ll take stock of all the available ...

What is BDD 2.0 (SDD)?

The ability to document test scripts in the exact way the user intends has always been the ultimate dream for testers. Until the ...
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