testRigor Blog

Weekly QA Testing Knowledge

How to Align Software Engineering with Business Goals

Business drives development and vice versa, and if its synchronization with engineering is compromised, it leads to a host of problems. A notable real-life example of misalignment between engineering and business goals occurred with the launch of the healthcare.gov website in October 2013. This website, central to implementing the Affordable Care Act in the United …

How to Achieve SOC 2 Compliance?

Information security is a critical concern for any organization in the technology sector. The increase in data breaches and ...

AI Compliance for Software

“Some people worry that artificial intelligence will make us feel inferior, but then, anybody in his right mind should have an ...

Continuous Integration and Testing: Best Practices

What is Continuous Integration (CI)? Gartner defines CI as “Systems that provide automation of the software build and ...

How to use AI to improve QA engineering productivity?

QA engineering productivity is not counted based on the total number of defects raised by the team. There are chances that the ...
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