testRigor Blog

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Testing a Website App with testRigor

testRigor reduces the time you spend on regression by autonomously detecting all new functionality in your application and taking screenshots that show what action was taken, what the screen looked like before the action and after the action. Let’s take a look at how to set up a test for a website app. It’s really …

How to Test a Website with testRigor

So you’ve just finished building a website for your bike shop, Mike’s Bikes. You want your customers to have the same ...

What is Test Coverage?

Having a bug-free application is the dream that every developer and tester chases. You may have encountered numerous occasions ...

How to compile an iOS app for Simulator

To build an iOS app for Simulator in the command line you need Xcode Command Line tools installed as described here. Once ...

How to compile for Android Emulator

Change APP_ABI option in your Application.mk file. It could look something like: APP_ABI := armeabi armeabi-v7a x86 Then re-run ...
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