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Release Notes: if/else, time zones

This week, we released if/else logic and the ability to set the time zone your cases run in.


We have released the ability to use the if/else logic for complex scenarios with more than one possible outcome. The “if-else block” which allows multiple conditions and multiple commands per condition.

Here are the scenarios it can be used in:

Single “if” condition:

if page contains "some text"
  click "some text"
  click "some button"

Single “if” condition with “else”:

if page contains "some text"
  click "some text"
  click "some other text"

Multiple “if” conditions with “else”:

if page contains "some text"
  click "some text"
  click "some button"
else if page contains button "unfollow"
  click "unfollow"
else if page contains button "follow"
  click "follow"
  click "some other text"

All the previous examples can also be mixed with rules:

if page contains "some text"
  click "some button"
  wait 10 sec
  clean up

For a full explanation and plenty of examples check the documentation at: https://testrigor.com/docs/language/#conditional

Time Zone

We created a new setting for timezone in Settings -> Advanced. The default value is PST. This new setting changes the timezone in which test cases will run. It also determines the times that will be generated for built-in variables. It works on all browsers/OS’s and mobile.

We also added 3 new built-in variables:

nowHourAmPm (2 pm)
nowHourTwoDigitsAmPm (02 pm)
nowAmPm (pm)