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Release Notes: OCR by command, Server Utilization Reports, Validation auto-scroll

Last week, a variety of additions were made.


  • We added the ability to enable OCR for individual check and click commands without enabling OCR for the whole test suite.
    • Examples:
check page contains "Search" using OCR
click button "Run" using OCR

Server Utilization

  • If your account supports multiple parallelizations, you’ll find a new option under the username menu where you will be able to check the maximum number of parallelizations being used in the last 3 months (grouped by week or month).


  • testRigor now offers a setting in Speed Optimizations that offers the ability to automatically scroll validations to the middle of the screen. 
    • Important note: This will affect every single test case and plays a very important role in how test cases are built. The use of this feature is not recommended for older suites with many test cases.