Tips & Tricks – Email Testing Tips
The ability to test receiving and sending emails is an out of the box feature with testRigor. We will also show you how to render email which was received and work with it as if it is a page. We’ll also show you how to easily test your sign up flow.
Here’s the transcript of the video for your convenience:
Today we are talking about Email testing tips, and Artem Golubev is going to provide them. He’s the CEO and Founder of testRigor. For upcoming sessions, next week will be on Testing tables is easy, and the following week is Automating form testing. So take it away Artem! And please ask questions as you have them in the chat, and he’ll answer them.
Speaker: Hello everyone. Today we’ll be talking about the automation of email testing. So for testRigor, we have support for email testing automation from the get-go because it is a very important use case that we allow our customers to execute where they’re able to not just do part of the sign-up flow – but also get a confirmation email and click on the link where they’ll be able to finish the sign-up process. The signup flow is probably the most important use case for our customers. The majority of our customers are using the email to test the signup flow, however, you can do additional things there, such as CRM testing, and receiving emails. testRigor can send emails for you as part of the test. You can reply to emails as attachments, and so forth. Let me share my screen and I will go through some documentation examples. If you go to our documentation, on the left there is a section related to email testing.
So basically, it shows the different options of what you can do on the email testing section on testRigor. You can send emails, and you can also check the email to see if it is delivered or receive emails. There are different validations. Moreover, you can check the email based on an email to, email from, as well as subject even as a regular expression in subjects to filter out something specific, whatever you’re looking for. And of course, you can substitute variables to be able to fine tune your subject to pick up the right email.
You can test different things. We have many different fields. So this is how it looks like. Therefore, I’ll show you this example of the test for Twitter signup. And, as you can see, we go through the Twitter signup with this email in here, filling in the forms, and at the end, click on the Sign Up button. That’s where we get the verification code; then we execute to check if an email to a stored value was received. And it renders this as the email itself. It’s quite a big deal. We are not just checking that the email has been received. But we also render the email as if it’s a page in the browser so that you can execute different validations to be able to validate your email campaigns, or extract some information from the email like the verification code here. In this example, it says “grab the value of the text below.” Get verification code, save it as code and then switch to tab 1.
What’s going on is we find this text which contains this verification code. Find what’s below that text, and get it. So the first test is this code. We get a code, save it as a variable code, and switch to the next tab. Back to the tab here where Twitter will ask for this code, we enter that code, which we store as you can see here says “Enter Stored Value code into verification code”. In these cases, that’s in the text box and, then you click on Next. Then we can continue with the sign up process. So basically, the point being is that it is the same flow without having to go through the web steps, but also we switch to your email, render it for you and, you can do the actions on that email and switch back to the original web and continue as a flow.
So we switch in between web testing and the mail testing in the same flow. And of course, you can do mobile testing as well. We have those examples. And if you do mobile testing, you can also check emails from your mobile. It will work the same way. You will be going from the above application if something is sending, you check in the mail to render your email. You can do validations or extract some data from that email and switch back to the original mobile application. So we have this switch command for tabs, and you can switch between the different applications and browsers.
So this is the high-level overview of email testing. We have a recording on YouTube, which goes into a lot of details in building an example on how it works. I believe it is specifically on Twitter. You can go to YouTube, search for our channel testRigor and you will be able to see the Email Testing video there . Which goes into more length, details, and how it works, and walks you through examples.
Narrator: Okay, great and we can add that link with the recording. So one of the questions is can the email be tested as part of the broader end-to-end test?
Speaker: Yes. As I mentioned, you can go through web or mobile application and then just switch contacts. Once you do the validation, it will automatically bring up a new context and show you the email. So we will check the existence of the email by default, but you can do additional validations and then it can switch back to the original context where you were performing the test, and continue. Almost all of our customers do use email testing.
Narrator: Okay. And there’s another question, is sending an email to more than one recipient supported?
Speaker: Yes, of course. So you can send to multiple recipients and filter by multiple recipients. We separate them with the word “and”. So in this particular example, it sends to two variables, new email and email to because they are refer to as saved values. You can of course hardcode different emails – and send them to a group of email boxes.
Narrator: Okay. Great. I don’t see any more questions. If anybody has any questions, they should put them in the chat. Is there anything else, Artem, that you want to add to wrap it up and that’ll end this session?
Speaker: Yes, so basically everything we support is, as usual in our documentation. Please don’t hesitate to check it out. And if you have any questions at the end of this presentation please ask, we are always happy to answer your questions in your Slack channel (added: for existing paid customers). Thank you very much.
Narrator: All right. Thank you for joining us. We’ll see you next week.
Speaker: Thank you. Bye.