Release Notes: Salesforce automation, AI parameterized rules, IE deprecation
Salesforce automatic settings
When you create a test case adding a Salesforce domain, testRigor will automatically setup the necessary environment settings, so the test can run seamlessly when testing your Salesfoce workspace and the process be streamlined, and you don’t have to worry about if it will detect or not the elements according to your current settings, but you will have a standard tested process that works in all environments. Here you can see more:
I’m adding the Salesforce domain:
Caption: Adding Salesforce domain in Test Suite details.
Then, the username and password section become mandatory:
Caption: User mandatory credentials using Salesforce.
TestRigor automatically detects the testing environment workspace and starts setting all accordingly:
Caption: AI detecting Salesforce testing.
Caption: AI applying automatic settings and built-in Salesforce reusable rules.
Caption: AI applying automatic settings and built-in Salesforce reusable rules.
Here’s the list of changed settings when testRigor detects a Salesforce domain:
Dropdown detection strategy : Optimistic, attempt to guess dropdowns.
Use ML for button classification: Do not use Machine Learning for button classification.
Search for synonyms if an element is not found: off.
Page read strategy - Use full XPath(more performance).
Getting visibility of web elements approach: Visible first.
Strategy for reading screen information: Re-read page only if element not found.
Resolution: 1600X1200.
Get geolocation: Block.
How to take screenshots: Browser level.
Maximum depth of nested iframe processing: 0.
Scroll to element before validations: Never.
Prioritize clicking on: Only Buttons.
Delay to render after Login/Signin is clicked, seconds: 4.
Measure page load: off.
AI asks for parameters values when using parameterized rules
As previously mentioned last week, AI can use reusable rules if it considers that they’re required in the description (See link here). Now, it does not only use them to build the test case, but it also asks for the parameter(s) value(s) when they become part of the AI built test case, and replace it in the rule:
Caption: Adding value in the description.
Caption: Rule being used with new value when creating test case using AI.
Caption: Original reusable rule content.
IMPORTANT: As you may notice, the last reusable rule didn’t have the “section” parameter in the reusable rule steps; so this is important, because when using reusable rules with AI, you can add more parameters to the rule and AI will make it’s magic, as you can just avoid specifying the parameters, and testRigor AI will find them and add them to the test case accordingly to context:
Caption: AI context.
Caption: AI context.
Microsoft Internet Explorer Deprecation
In order to keep up with the new trends in browser market, we have decided to deprecate Internet Explorer browser from our Web Browser Stack. Instead, we recommend that you use Microsoft Edge or any other of our Web Browsers, this in order to improve testing experience and to avoid unexpected results from using an old browser stack.