Learn how to integrate TestRail

TestRail Integration

Harness integration with TestRail to enable you to directly link your test cases to testRigor, automatically create test runs every time you execute your tests, as well as utilize TestRail’s milestone and test plan features.


How to Enable the Integration

Enable TestRail

Settings -> Integrations

First, you need to allow TestRail integration on by navigating to Settings > Integrations.
Make sure the integration is enabled, and fill in the required fields.

Don’t forget to click the Save button on the bottom of the page after filling in the fields!

  • To find out what your Project id is, open your desired project in TestRail and view the id number at the end of the URL: https://Your_Company.testrail.io/index.php?/projects/overview/1
  • We recommend using an API Key instead of a Password as a more secure way of authentication. See a step-by-step guide below on how to enable API authentication and obtain an API key.

How to Obtain an API Key in TestRail

  1. Navigate to Administration > Site Settings > Manage site settings
  2. Click on the API tab
  3. Select Enable API and Save Settings
  4. Click on your profile name > My Settings > API Keys
  5. Click Add Key and Generate Key
  6. Copy and Save the Generated Key. It is only displayed once and you will not be able to view it through the interface. This key is an equivalent to your password.
  7. Click Add Key.
  8. Click Save Settings
Once integration is enabled, you can go to your testRigor test cases and start linking them to the test cases in TestRail.

Test Run Settings

Now every time you do a full Rerun of your testRigor tests, we will automatically create a Test Run in TestRail, and you will have a pass/fail status for each linked test case.

Additionally, you might notice some settings on Test Suite Details page:

TestRail Plan ID

You may leave this field empty (Default), if you don’t have a test plan in TestRail which you’d like the run results to be attached to.

TestRail Milestone ID

You may leave this field empty (Default), if you don’t have a milestone in TestRail which you’d like the run results to be attached to.

Close TestRail Run

If the TestRail test run stays open, re-running individual test cases in testRigor, will update the test results in TestRail.

  • Close Run if Successful (Default) – the test run will be closed if 100% of the test cases pass
  • Always Close Run – the test run will be closed once your test suite in testRigor finishes, no matter the pass/failure results
  • Do Not Close Run – the test run will stay open after your test suite in testRigor finishes, no matter the pass/failure results
Some new settings will appear on the CI/CD integration tab upon enabling the TestRail integration. These will be useful if you have your test runs as a part of CI/CD pipeline.
Congratulations, you’ve successfully integrated TestRail with your testRigor Test Suite. You can now import your manual test cases from TestRail as described here.