Blog / Author: Anushree Chatterjee

QA Lead: How to Excel in Today’s Tech World

Quality Assurance (QA) is more than software testing. It is a mindset meant to be adopted by all, not just testers. For junior ...

Scalability Testing: Automating for Performance and Growth

Have you ever witnessed a store-wide sale at a popular outlet? Hundreds of people with long shopping lists are looking to avail ...

Errors in UFT During Mobile Testing: Causes and Remedies

What is Mobile Testing? Mobile testing is the process of ensuring that mobile applications function correctly and deliver a ...

Are Unit Tests a Waste?

If you’re someone in the tech industry, even if not a software engineer, then you must have heard about unit testing, seen ...

Effective Error Handling Strategies in Automated Tests

Let’s say you’ve chosen your test automation tool, done your homework, and managed to write test scripts. Everything ...

Automating Usability Testing: Approaches and Tools

Imagine a company designs a new mobile banking app. They test it with a group of people. During the testing, some users have ...

DevSecOps vs. DevOps: Differences, Tools, and Strategies

What is DevSecOps? DevSecOps stands for Development, Security, and Operations. It’s a way of approaching software ...
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