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Higher Failure Rates for Agile Software Projects: A Comprehensive Analysis

Agile methodology is now widely used across all industries. Its popularity is due to its flexibility and easy adaptability to changes. Using Agile, the development team gets continuous customer feedback, thereby ensuring the final product meets customer requirements. However, a recent study published by Engprax has reported that projects that follow Agile Manifesto practices are 268% more likely to fail than Impact Engineering.

So, let’s examine this study’s findings in more detail, including the reasons for Agile project failures and how Impact Engineering can be a better alternative to Agile.

Study Overview

First, let us know more about the methodology and key findings of this study.


The study was conducted over five days, from May 3rd to May 7th, 2024. It included responses from 600 software engineers and also provided a solid dataset for research and analysis. The study mainly focused on comparing the success rate of agile projects with projects that follow impact engineering methodologies.

We will discuss impact engineering methodologies more later in this article. The key metrics that were assessed during this study included project requirements clarity, documentation practices, psychological safety within teams, the accuracy of problem definitions, and the impact of late requirement changes.

Key Findings

  • Requirements and Documentation: Projects with clear requirements and comprehensive documentation were 50% more likely to succeed. Agile’s emphasis on working software rather than on documentation can lead to ambiguities and miscommunications.
  • Psychological Safety: Teams with high psychological safety were 87% more likely to succeed. Agile environments may sometimes foster a culture of continuous change, suppressing open communication and problem-solving.
  • Accuracy of Real-World Problem Definitions: Projects with accurately defined requirements based on real-world problems had a 54% higher success rate.
  • Late Requirement Changes: Projects that minimized late changes to requirements were 7% more likely to succeed. Agile’s flexibility can sometimes disrupt project flow and cause delays.
  • Work-in-Progress: No significant difference in success rates was found between engineers working on one project versus multiple projects simultaneously.

Detailed Analysis

Let us now look at the detailed analysis of this study.

Requirements and Documentation

As we know, the traditional project management methodologies give more focus on preparing detailed requirements and thorough documentation thereby providing a clear roadmap and reducing ambiguities. However, in Agile, the focus is more on delivering working software and creating customer collaboration. That leads to a gap in understanding and misaligned expectations.

The study found that those projects with clear requirements and proper documentation are more likely to succeed. This suggests a balanced approach that maintains sufficient documentation without suppressing flexibility.

Psychological Safety

Psychological safety is one of the key factors for project success. An environment where team members feel safe to voice concerns, share ideas and admit mistakes needs to be promoted in organizations. Agile promotes a collaborative culture, but the pressure to adapt and change creates stress and can suppress open communication.

The study finds that teams with high psychological safety show more chances of success, thereby highlighting the importance of promoting a supportive environment. It is high time that agile teams prioritize open dialogue, recognize contributions, and address conflicts constructively.

Accuracy of Problem Definitions

One of the key points in delivering solutions is requirement gathering. Requirement gathering needs to be accurate for delivering a solution that meets what exactly the customer needs. The study found that the projects with requirements connected to real-world problems had a higher success rate.

Agile teams should have a clear understanding of the real-world context of their project, engage with stakeholders, conduct thorough needs assessments and continuously validate requirements against actual user needs.

Impact of Late Requirement Changes

Agile promotes adaptability and responsiveness to change; however, with frequent late-stage changes, the project flow gets disrupted which leads to rework and causes delays in project deliverables. The study found that projects that minimize the late requirement changes, bring less rework and reduce the delay are more likely to succeed. Agile teams should aim to finalize core requirements early and handle the changes through structured processes and clear communication channels.


The study also covered the impact of work-in-progress (WIP) limits. The result was that there was no significant difference in success rates between engineers working on single versus multiple projects. This leads to the conclusion that the effectiveness of WIP limits varies based on individual and team dynamics.

Agile teams should consider their specific context when implementing WIP limits and effectively balance workload distribution.

Impact Engineering: A New Approach

Let us find out what impact engineering is and how to adopt it.

Overview of Impact Engineering

Impact Engineering, introduced by Dr. Junade Ali, integrates best practices from various engineering disciplines. It addresses Agile’s shortcomings by emphasizing comprehensive documentation, psychological safety, accurate requirements gathering, and controlled changes.

Definition of Impact Engineering

Impact Engineering is a methodology designed to enhance software project success by integrating best practices from various engineering disciplines. It emphasizes thorough documentation, ensuring clarity and reducing ambiguities in project requirements. The approach promotes psychological safety, fostering a supportive environment for team members to communicate openly. It also focuses on gathering accurate requirements, grounding projects in real-world needs, and seeking to minimize disruptive late-stage changes by finalizing core requirements early.

This balanced methodology aims to combine the flexibility of Agile with structured engineering practices for improved project outcomes.

Key Principles of Impact Engineering

  • Comprehensive Documentation: Agile focuses more on working software over documentation. However, for Impact Engineering, the focus is more on thorough documentation of project requirements, specifications and progress. This helps to reduce ambiguities and ensure clarity among all stakeholders.
  • Psychological Safety: It’s mandatory to create a psychologically safe environment where team members feel secure voicing concerns, sharing ideas and admitting mistakes without fear. This helps to promote open communication and also improves problem-solving capabilities within the team.
  • Accurate Requirements Gathering: Impact Engineering focuses more on the importance of understanding and accurately capturing the real-world problems. To do this, the team needs to engage with stakeholders, conduct assessments and validate requirements continuously. These process are important to assure that actual user needs are met.
  • Controlled Changes: While maintaining flexibility, Impact Engineering seeks to minimize disruptive late-stage changes. It advocates for the early finalization of core requirements and managing any necessary changes through structured processes and clear communication.

Benefits of Impact Engineering

  • Reduced Ambiguities: Through comprehensive documentation, project teams can ensure all stakeholders have a clear understanding of project goals and progress.
  • Improved Team Dynamics: By having psychological safety, teams can operate more effectively, as members feel more comfortable sharing insights and addressing issues.
  • Higher Relevance of Solutions: Accurate requirements gathering ensures that the end products are closely aligned with real-world needs and user expectations.
  • Enhanced Project Stability: By controlling changes and finalizing requirements early, projects can avoid the disruptions and delays that often accompany late-stage requirement changes.

Case Studies and their Real-World Impact

Post Office Horizon Scandal

The Post Office Horizon scandal exemplifies the consequences of inadequate requirements engineering. The flawed Horizon IT system led to wrongful prosecutions for fraud, highlighting the need for accurate requirements gathering and validation processes.

Economic Impact

Adopting Impact Engineering could save the US up to $115 billion annually in wasted R&D spending and the UK £7 billion annually on failed government digital projects. These figures demonstrate the financial benefits of improving software project management practices.

Strategies for Successful Software Projects

  • Balanced Methodology: Organizations should adopt a hybrid approach that integrates Agile principles with Impact Engineering practices, leveraging the benefits of both methodologies.
  • Emphasize Documentation: Maintaining comprehensive documentation reduces ambiguities and provides a clear roadmap for the project, complementing Agile’s focus on working software.
  • Foster Psychological Safety: Creating a supportive environment where team members feel safe to discuss issues and share ideas is crucial for success. Agile teams should encourage open communication and constructive conflict resolution.
  • Accurate Requirements Gathering: Investing time in thorough requirements gathering ensures that project solutions address real-world needs, improving outcomes.
  • Minimize Late Changes: Striving to finalize requirements early helps maintain project flow and avoid disruptions. Agile teams should manage changes through structured processes and clear communication.

How does testRigor Make a Difference?

testRigor, with its advanced features, including Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, streamline and enhance the software testing process. Let’s look into a few key features of testRigor.

Key Features of testRigor

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Allows test cases to be written in plain English, bridging the gap between technical and non-technical stakeholders.
  • Cross-Browser and Cross-Platform Testing: Ensures that applications function correctly across various browsers and devices, enhancing compatibility and user experience.
  • AI-Driven Testing: Uses artificial intelligence to identify and prioritize critical test cases, improving efficiency and reducing the time required for comprehensive testing.
  • Seamless Integration: Integrates with popular CI/CD tools, enabling continuous testing and ensuring that software updates are thoroughly tested before deployment.
  • Self-Healing Tests: Automatically updates test scripts when UI changes are detected, reducing maintenance efforts and ensuring that tests remain up-to-date.

The key challenges in Agile projects are insufficient documentation, lack of psychological safety, inaccurate requirements, and frequent late changes. Let’s see how testRigor can make a difference concerning all these challenges.

Detailed Documentation

As we know, Agile doesn’t promote documentation, but this is overcome by testRigor’s way of creating test cases. testRigor uses parsed plain English to create test cases. So, these test cases act as documentation for the project requirements and functionalities. Also, with testRigor’s generative AI feature, testers can generate test cases or test data just by providing a description alone.

This helps to cover more edge case scenarios, thereby increasing the test coverage and documentation coverage. This addresses the study’s finding that projects with clear requirements and documentation are 50% more likely to succeed.

Team’s Psychological Safety and Collaboration

As test scripts are created in English, it helps project managers, business analysts, or other non-technical team members contribute to test case creation. Also, the stakeholders can edit or create any test case. This inclusivity helps develop a culture of psychological safety, as everyone can participate in identifying and solving issues without technical barriers.

The study noted that teams with a high level of psychological safety were 87% more likely to succeed.

Correct Requirements Gathering

By using natural language to define test cases, testRigor ensures that requirements are captured accurately and reflect real-world problems. This alignment with actual user needs improves the accuracy of requirements gathering, addressing the study’s finding that accurate requirements increase success rates by 54%.

Managing Late Application Changes

testRigor’s automated testing capabilities allow for quick validation of changes, reducing the disruption caused by late modifications. testRigor achieves this by using its own technique of identifying element locators. testRigor never relies on DOM properties to identify elements. Instead, it uses the text or relative position of elements to capture it. So, the user can provide the element name or position, and testRigor, with its AI algorithms, identify the element and perform the scripted action. Any late changes in the test scenario or user case can be easily integrated. This agility in handling changes helps maintain project momentum, minimizing the negative impact of late-stage changes highlighted in the study.

Future Research

Further research is needed to explore the long-term impact of adopting Impact Engineering practices on software project success rates. Additionally, studies examining the specific challenges and benefits of integrating Agile and Impact Engineering methodologies in various organizational contexts would provide valuable insights for practitioners.

By continuing to investigate and refine these approaches, the software development community can work towards achieving consistently successful project outcomes.


The study by Dr. Junade Ali and J.L. Partners challenges the belief in Agile’s infallibility, revealing higher failure rates compared to Impact Engineering practices. While Agile’s flexibility offers benefits, it should not replace thorough planning, documentation, and psychological safety. Impact Engineering provides a balanced approach that can enhance project success rates.

Organizations should adopt a hybrid methodology, emphasizing documentation, psychological safety, accurate requirements gathering, and control changes to improve software project outcomes and realize significant economic benefits.


  • Ali, J., & J.L. Partners. (2024). Higher Failure Rates for Agile Software Projects: A Study. Engprax.
  • Dr. Junade Ali’s new book on Impact Engineering.
  • Post Office Horizon Scandal case study.
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