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Monday.com Testing

As of 2023, monday.com has grown to over 225,000 customers globally, operates in more than 200 countries, and executes over 2 million board actions daily. monday.com empowers teams with features like assigning tasks, visualizing timelines with Gantt charts, automating workflows, and creating data-driven decisions with analytics dashboards. Integrations with tools like email, calendar, and popular third-party apps further enhance collaboration. Team members can communicate, share files, and provide updates directly within the platform, fostering transparency and improved organization.

This article discusses monday.com and its marketplace, how to integrate it with your business, and how to test these integrations successfully.

Products and Services Offered by monday.com

monday.com empowers teams of all sizes and industries to boost work management and productivity with its cloud-based solutions. From project planning to customer relationship management, monday.com offers a variety of products designed to fit your specific needs:

  • monday Work Management: This remains their core offering, providing a flexible platform to manage any project, task, or workflow. Think customizable dashboards, kanban boards, and powerful automation designed to keep your team organized and efficient.
  • monday Sales CRM: Manage your sales pipeline seamlessly with this customizable CRM solution. Track leads, deals, and customer interactions easily, and leverage features like email integration and sales automation to close more deals faster.
  • monday dev: Software development teams can rejoice! monday.com dev streamlines your workflow with features like sprint management, roadmaps, and integrated bug tracking. Collaborate effectively and keep your development process on track.
  • monday Projects: This offering might be an alternative way to describe the core “monday.com Work Management” product, emphasizing its project-centric capabilities for planning, tracking, and delivering successful projects.

monday.com Marketplace

The monday.com marketplace is a platform where users can discover and install apps and integrations to extend the functionality of their monday.com Work OS. It brings together talented developers and users, facilitating the sharing of innovative apps that enhance productivity and collaboration. Organizations can find solutions tailored to their needs through the Marketplace, ranging from project management enhancements to automation tools.

This ecosystem supports a diverse range of applications, contributing to the versatility and adaptability of monday.com as a comprehensive work management solution.

Integrating monday.com with Your Business

To integrate monday.com products into your business, identify your team’s specific needs and workflows. Explore monday.com’s marketplace for apps and integrations that match your requirements. Use monday.com’s templates and workflow builders to customize your workspaces. Also, we can use the SDKs and CLI provided by monday.com for the integration:

  • SDKs (Software Development Kits): These are pre-built toolkits designed explicitly for monday.com. They provide everything you need to get started, including:
    • Libraries: Ready-made code blocks that simplify everyday tasks when interacting with the monday.com platform.
    • Documentation: Clear instructions and explanations to guide you through the development process.
    • Code Samples: Practical examples to jumpstart your coding and inspire your creativity.
  • CLI (Command Line Interface): For developers who love the efficiency of the command line, monday.com offers a CLI tool. This allows you to:
    • Manage Resources with Ease: Execute commands directly from your terminal to interact with the monday.com API. If you need to create boards, update items, or manage users, the CLI has you covered!
    • Automate Tasks: Write scripts using the CLI to automate tasks and streamline your workflow. Imagine automatically deploying updates to your custom monday.com integrations.
    • Programmatic Management: Gain granular control over your monday.com environment by managing it programmatically through the CLI.

Testing monday.com Integrations

When building monday.com integrations or marketplace apps, rigorous testing is required to achieve top-notch quality. A multi-layered approach starts with unit testing, ensuring individual code bits work flawlessly. Then, integration testing verifies different parts play nicely together. Finally, end-to-end testing simulates real-world use to catch any hidden issues. But that’s not all! Non-functional testing assesses performance, security, accessibility, and scalability to guarantee your creation is a well-oiled machine within the monday.com environment.

Unit Testing monday.com Integrations

While traditional unit testing excels at isolating and verifying functionalities within a single codebase, it doesn’t directly translate to monday.com integrations. This is because monday.com itself doesn’t have a built-in testing framework. However, there are alternative approaches to achieve a similar level of testing for both custom apps and third-party integrations built for the monday.com platform.

What’s Tested?

The focus of unit testing for monday.com integrations is on the individual functionalities of the integration itself. These tests ensure that each specific function operates as expected in isolation. So unit testing mainly focuses on data exchange, verifying that data is sent and received correctly between the integration and monday.com. Error Handling scenarios where we test how the integration reacts to errors that might arise from monday.com’s API or the integrated tool it interacts with. This ensures the integration can gracefully handle unexpected situations.

Benefits of Unit Testing

There are many benefits to doing unit testing for monday.com integrations. It acts as an early warning system, catching bugs before they cause problems later in development. This saves time and resources. Writing unit tests also encourage cleaner and more modular code, leading to a more robust integration. Furthermore, existing unit tests act as a safety net, preventing regressions when making code changes. With a suite of unit tests in place, you gain greater confidence in the overall stability and functionality of your monday.com integration, ensuring it performs as expected in a real-world environment.

Unit Testing Tools

The tools you’ll use for unit testing monday.com integrations depend on your building type. Use JavaScript frameworks like Jest or Mocha to write test cases for custom apps. If using a web framework like React or Angular, their built-in testing tools can be helpful. Mock monday.com’s API with Sinon.js or Mockttp to isolate your app’s logic during testing. For third-party integrations, check their documentation for built-in testing tools first.

Integration Testing monday.com Integrations

Integration testing focuses on verifying how your monday.com integration interacts with other elements, such as the monday.com platform itself, external APIs, or other integrations. It aims to ensure seamless data flow and communication between these components.

What’s Tested?

While performing integration testing on monday.com integrations, you mainly focus on verifying smooth data exchange between your integration, the monday.com platform itself, and potentially external APIs or other integrations. This includes testing API interactions for authentication and data handling, simulating error scenarios to see how your integration reacts, and ensuring your integration triggers actions and updates data correctly within monday.com workflows. Testing these aspects quickly catches issues and provides a seamless user experience with a stable and well-integrated monday.com environment.

Benefits of Integration Testing

Integration testing provides multiple benefits for your monday.com integrations. Firstly, it helps catch issues early on by simulating how your integration interacts with other systems (monday.com platform, external APIs, other integrations). This proactive approach prevents these issues from becoming roadblocks later in production.

Secondly, integration testing contributes to a more stable and reliable monday.com environment by ensuring smooth communication and data flow between all these elements. Finally, a well-integrated solution translates to a better user experience. Consistent data and seamless interaction between functionalities within monday.com fosters a smooth workflow for your users.

Integration Testing Tools

Integration testing on monday.com can be done at the API and UI levels. Let’s see the commonly used tools.

  • API Testing Tools: Tools like Postman or SoapUI can simulate interactions with the monday.com API and any other relevant APIs involved. These tools allow you to send test requests, verify responses, and ensure proper data exchange between your integration and external systems.
  • UI Automation Tools: Selenium comes back into play for integration testing. By automating user interactions within monday.com, you can trigger various functionalities of your integration and simulate real-world usage scenarios. This helps verify how your integration interacts with different elements and workflows within monday.com.

End-to-End Testing monday.com Integrations

Unit testing and integration testing provide a solid foundation for ensuring your monday.com integration functions correctly on an individual and inter-component level. End-to-end testing simulates the entire user journey from start to finish, encompassing various functionalities and interactions within your integration and the broader monday.com ecosystem. This holistic approach helps identify potential issues that might not be apparent through isolated unit or integration tests.

What’s Tested?

  • User Workflows: Test how users interact with your integration throughout their typical workflows within monday.com. This includes data input, triggering actions, manipulation, and overall user experience.
  • Real-World Data Scenarios: Move beyond static test data and use real-world data sets to test how your integration handles various data volumes and complexities that users might encounter.
  • Error Recovery and Edge Cases: Test how your integration behaves when unexpected errors occur or users interact with it in unconventional ways. This ensures the integration gracefully handles these situations and recovers smoothly.

Benefits of E2E Testing

  • Enhanced User Confidence: By thoroughly testing the user journey from end to end, you gain greater confidence that your integration functions as intended and delivers a positive user experience.
  • Improved System Reliability: End-to-end testing helps identify and address potential issues that could impact the overall reliability and stability of your monday.com environment.
  • Early Detection of Integration Issues: Similar to integration testing, end-to-end testing helps catch problems early on, preventing them from impacting real users in production.

End-to-End Testing Tools

Here, we discuss Selenium and testRigor as choices for end-to-end testing of monday.com.


Selenium is a popular open-source tool that has become the most adopted tool for many testing teams. While it offers some advantages, there are also challenges to consider when using it:

  • Maintenance Burden: Selenium scripts can become intricate and challenging to maintain, especially as your application undergoes frequent UI changes. Keeping tests updated can be time-consuming.
  • Limited Platform Support: While workarounds exist, Selenium primarily focuses on web application testing. Native mobile and desktop applications require alternative solutions.
  • Browser Compatibility: Selenium relies on browser behavior, and browser updates can sometimes cause your tests to break. Maintaining compatibility with the latest versions adds another layer of complexity.
  • Execution Speed: Selenium scripts can be slower than other testing tools. This becomes a concern for large test suites or performance testing scenarios.

With many drawbacks, as listed above, Selenium dropped off as the most commonly used tool. Many testing teams don’t prefer Selenium and have started looking for intelligent and AI-driven automation tools. We are not covering much detail about Selenium, but if you would like to know about building Selenium tests, you can refer to this blog.

testRigor for E2E Testing

As we’ve mentioned, the market is looking for AI-driven intelligent automation tools, and testRigor is a strong contender that fits the bill. Let’s see what makes testRigor stand out from any other automation tool.

  • Cloud-hosted: testRigor is a cloud-hosted tool, so you do not need to invest money and resources in setting up an environment and maintaining the software. Just subscribe and start creating automation scripts in plain English.
  • Eliminate Code Dependency: testRigor helps to create test scripts in parsed plain English, eliminating the need to know programming languages. So, any stakeholder, like manual QA, BA, sales personnel, etc., can create test scripts and execute them faster than an average automation engineer using legacy testing tools. Also, since it works in natural language, anyone can create or update test cases, increasing the coverage.
  • One Tool For All Testing Types: testRigor performs more than just web automation. It can be used for:
    You don’t have to install different tools for different types of testing; testRigor takes care of all your testing needs singlehandedly.
  • Stable Element Locators: Unlike traditional tools that rely on specific element identifiers, testRigor uses a unique approach for element locators. You simply describe elements by the text you see on the screen, leveraging the power of AI to find them automatically. This means your tests adapt to changes in the application’s UI, eliminating the need to update fragile selectors constantly. This helps the team focus more on creating new use cases than fixing the flaky XPaths. Here is an example where you identify elements with the text you see for them on the screen.
    click "cart"
    click on button "Delete" below "Section Name"
  • Integrations: testRigor offers built-in integrations with most of the popular CI/CD tools like Jenkins and CircleCI, test management systems like TestRail, defect tracking solutions like Jira and Pivotal Tracker, infrastructure providers like AWS and Azure, and communication tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams.
Let’s review a sample test script in testRigor, which may give more clarification about the simplicity of test cases:
login as customer //reusable rule
click "Accounts"
click "Manage Accounts."
click "Enable International Transactions"
enter stored value "daily limit value" into "Daily Limit"
click "Save"
click "Account Balance" roughly to the left of "Debit Cards"
check the page contains "Account Balance"

You can go through more features of testRigor and its documentation.

monday.com Marketplace App Certification Process

The monday.com marketplace provides a platform for developers to extend the functionality of monday.com through custom apps. However, it must be reviewed before your creation can be available to the monday.com community. Here’s a breakdown of the key steps involved:

  • Build and Plan: Familiarize yourself with the monday.com Work OS to identify potential gaps in functionality that your app can address. Plan your app’s features and ensure they adhere to the monday.com framework.
  • Submission and Review: Once your app is developed, submit it for review using the monday.com app submission form. This will create a review board within the monday.com platform where the review team can collaborate with you on any revisions.
  • Collaborative Review: The monday.com review team will assess your app based on a checklist covering product functionality, documentation, support, legal considerations, UI/UX design, app listing details, and partnership potential. They will provide feedback and directly highlight any areas that need improvement on the review board.
  • Revision and Approval: Work with the review team to address feedback or required changes. Once your app meets all the criteria, the review team will approve it, and your app will be listed on the monday.com marketplace.

Additional Resources:


  1. What if I do not want to write test cases myself?

    You can use testRigor’s record-and-playback capabilities to let the tool create test cases in plain English based on your actions. Here is the testRigor’s recorder, which you can use to record a test, just like with any similar tool. Otherwise, you can use the generative AI features to generate most test cases automatically. You can also import your manual test cases and tweak them to make them executable by testRigor.

  2. What are the other CRM platforms that I can test via testRigor?

    testRigor offers comprehensive testing capabilities for a wide range of CRM platforms. It offers comprehensive testing for all your CRM needs, including Salesforce, Zoho, Zendesk, Zyprr, and many more. Beyond the browser, testRigor tackles API, mobile, and desktop app integrations for a truly holistic testing experience. Dive deeper into specific CRM integrations with our dedicated blog posts.

  3. Can we test 2FA logins like Google Authenticator using testRigor?

    Yes, that too very easily in plain English. testRigor streamlines the automation of 2FA logins, whether it’s through email, text message, or even Google Authenticator. Surprised by text message automation? testRigor can not only read incoming messages but also send them! And wait, there’s more! testRigor even handles phone call automation.

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