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Weekly QA Testing Knowledge

API Testing

Simplified Beginner’s Guide for SOAP & REST (2024 Edition) Here are a few API statistics to give you an idea about the popularity and usage of API today and in the coming years. Over 90% of developers use APIs and spend 30% of their time coding new APIs. The API management market is projected to …

Assertion Testing: Key Concepts and Techniques

Never argue, repeat your assertion – Robert Owen. In real life, you may want to repeat your assertions. However, once is ...

The Modern CTO: Is There a Necessity of Technical Expertise?

As we know, the CTO is the prime person in an organization regarding technology, innovation, and engineering. A question arises: ...

Test Estimation Techniques: The Backbone of Your QA Strategy

Do you remember the healthcare.gov website launch in the United States in 2013? Within 2 hours of its launch, significant issues ...

QA Sign-Off: The Final Seal of Approval Explained

Imagine you’re planning to throw a big, elaborate party. The crew has decorators, caterers, logistics management, and ...
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