testRigor Blog

Weekly QA Testing Knowledge

How to Automate Pop-Up Alert Testing? Selenium vs. testRigor

What are pop-up alerts? An alert on a web page is a pop-up window that appears on a website to provide a user with important information or to prompt them to take some action. Alerts can be triggered by different events, such as a user clicking a button or a website encountering an error.

Page Object Model (POM) – Why and When Should You Use It?

What is a Page Object Model? Overview of Page Object Model Page Object Model (or POM), is a design pattern in Selenium where we ...

Mobile Testing: Where Should You Start?

Hand-held devices like mobile phones have gained popularity due to their convenience of use. The percentage of users accessing ...

Selenium Test Example

What is Selenium? Selenium is an open-source software tool used to create automated UI tests. It allows you to write scripts in a ...

Eliminate testing with Executable Specifications

You can eliminate testing with Executable Specifications using Specification-Driven Development in testRigor. Here is how to do ...

Web Testing: A Complete QA Overview

Websites have made many aspects of our lives easier and more convenient. We can pay bills, apply for government services, ...

Top-27 QA Director Interview Questions (+Answers)

The role of a QA Director is critical to ensuring the delivery of high-quality software products. In this role, the person is ...
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