testRigor Blog

Weekly QA Testing Knowledge

FAQ – Can testRigor run my manual test case?

TestRigor can run test cases the way you write them. The way it works is very interesting. By default, testRigor has a specific language allowing you to express low-level steps such as clicks and entering data. However, you can group your actions into higher-level actions and give them arbitrary means. For example, if we were …

FAQ – Can testRigor run tests in parallel?

TestRigor has been built from the ground up to run tests in parallel. In fact, this is how tests run by default because in the ...

Essential QA Metrics to Improve Your Software Testing

QA Metrics – Introduction QA stands for Quality Assurance, an essential part of SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) ...

DataHerald Case Study

DataHerald’s Co-Founder and CTO Amir Zorhrenejad is sharing how their company was able to free engineering resources by ...
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