testRigor Blog

Learn about test automation, codeless testing, and AI

How does Specification-Driven Development work?

Specification-Driven Development (BDD 2.0) works in the following way: Product Owner creates a specification in plain English that describes how the new feature needs to function. This specification is executable on its own with no coding required. Execution of the specification must fail first, to prove it will catch situations where the feature doesn’t work. …

IDT Case Study

  IDT, A leading Telecommunications company went from 34% automation to 91% automation in under 9 months, all done by manual ...

How to Test WebSockets or XMPP App

WebSockets and XMPP ( Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) are used for communication between clients and data exchange. ...

What is Functional Monitoring?

“Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted”– Albert Einstein. Just ...

Reproducibility Issue

Often times we see a challenge where manual QA would find a bug, then come to Engineers only to find out that they can’t ...

Keys to Testing 2-factor Authentication

Modern security-conscious applications often use 2-factor authentication as a default way of logging in. It’s more secure ...

Selenium is like an Assembly Language for Automation

Think about it… using Selenium requires a person to study a lot of complex constructs like inheritance, functional ...
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