testRigor Blog

Weekly QA Testing Knowledge

Director of QA Skills, Roles, and List of Jobs

A Director of QA is an important part of an organization’s management. The person in this post acts as the primary spokesperson for quality assurance across the organization. They have the power to set a good precedence of quality mindset that can trickle down across teams. If you are looking to fill these shoes, then …

What is AIOps?

Think of a critical application that is experiencing performance issues. Traditionally, you’ll see IT teams would need to ...

Defect Clustering in Software Testing

“Never allow the same bug to bite you twice” – Steve Maguire. This quote tells us the importance of dealing with bugs ...

When to Stop Testing: How Much Testing is Enough?

“Keep testing till you get 100% coverage.” “Test till you don’t find any bugs.” “Test until every single line of ...

What is Retesting?

“Simple things are always the most difficult” – Carl Jung. What applies to the philosophy of life is true for software testing as well? We think – Yes. Retesting in software testing — seems pretty simple, doesn’t it? You go and retest a bug fix or some other code. Yet sometimes, simply retesting doesn’t work …

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