testRigor Blog

Weekly QA Testing Knowledge

Director of QA Skills, Roles, and List of Jobs

A Director of QA is an important part of an organization’s management. The person in this post acts as the primary spokesperson for quality assurance across the organization. They have the power to set a good precedence of quality mindset that can trickle down across teams. If you are looking to fill these shoes, then …

What is Scrumban?

“Agile is an attitude, not a technique with boundaries. An attitude has no boundaries so that we wouldn’t ask ‘Can ...

Does Manual Testing Have a Future? Exploring Its Role in Modern QA

Every now and then, we hear that – manual testing is dead, but is it really? Automation tools are getting smarter, AI is taking over, and organizations are pushing for more frequent releases; therefore, it’s easy to think that manual testing is slowly becoming redundant. But let’s face it. Can automation replace human intuition, creativity, …

What is a Test Charter?
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