Blog / Author: Anushree Chatterjee

Flowable Testing

Technology benefits various aspects of software development, including process automation. If you think of the process involved ...

Selenium InvalidCoordinatesException: How to Handle?

In Selenium, you will face the InvalidCoordinatesException when the coordinates provided for an action, such as clicking or ...

Test Estimation Techniques: The Backbone of Your QA Strategy

Do you remember the website launch in the United States in 2013? Within 2 hours of its launch, significant issues ...

QA Sign-Off: The Final Seal of Approval Explained

Imagine you’re planning to throw a big, elaborate party. The crew has decorators, caterers, logistics management, and ...

Process Automation

You must have noticed barcodes on products, especially when purchasing groceries. This is an example of process automation ...

Latent Defects Decoded: The Hidden Perils in QA

You must have heard about the Y2K defect, the ‘Millennium Bug,’ where there was a problem in computer systems and ...

Website Testing: A Comprehensive Guide

Today, you can find a website for every business, whether small, medium, or large. Companies are available online through ...