testRigor Blog

Weekly QA Testing Knowledge

What is RPA? Robotic Process Automation Testing

Robotic process automation (RPA) has its reach across various industries like finance and accounting, healthcare, customer service, human resources, manufacturing and supply chain management. A very common example of where you might have come across RPA is when dialing a customer helpline number and hearing a pre-recorded voice that is able to answer frequently asked …

How to Build Selenium Tests

Introduction Selenium is one of the most used tools in the testing community when it comes to cross-browser testing. It provides ...

How to Get The Best ROI in Test Automation

If you’ve requested any kind of tool or service to help your team out in the past, you’ve probably been asked to justify why ...

Integration Testing vs End-to-End Testing

Integration and end-to-end testing are distinct methods QA teams use during various application development stages. Unit testing ...

The Easiest Way to Automate Acceptance Testing

Acceptance Testing Automation Acceptance testing is a critical step in the software development process that verifies if a system ...

Software Testing Anti-Patterns and Ways To Avoid Them

What are the anti-patterns in software development? An anti-pattern solution in software development may initially seem ...

testRigor Locators

What is testRigor locator? testRigor locator is a way to describe finding elements from an end-user’s perspective. You, as ...
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