testRigor Blog

Weekly QA Testing Knowledge

ROI of Switching to Codeless Test Automation: 3 Best Ways To Measure

In today’s world, software teams are expected to ship features often, on time, and these features must be of good quality. Test automation with the right tools and built the right way will save countless hours of testing efforts, reduce defect escape rate, and improve efficiency and teamwork. But how do you measure that? Suppose …

How testRigor Helps To Save Budget And Improve Test Coverage

The reason why our customers decided to go with testRigor is that it helps to save the budget and improve test coverage at the ...

FAQ – How does testRigor’s CI/CD integration work?

For testRigor CI/CD integration is absolutely seamless. You can literally copy and paste already pre populated script into your ...

QAOps: What is it? How Important is it?

While many modern software teams are practicing DevOps these days, a smaller fraction have embraced QAOps with the same level of ...
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