testRigor Blog

Learn about test automation, codeless testing, and AI

The CTO’s Playbook: Defining Roles, Perfecting Skills, and Meeting Requirements

“The most profound technologies are those that disappear. They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it.” – Mark Weiser. Technology is interwoven in our daily lives today, and we cannot spend a single day without using technology and innovative products. This marks the importance of technology in our …

Test Estimation Techniques: The Backbone of Your QA Strategy

Do you remember the healthcare.gov website launch in the United States in 2013? Within 2 hours of its launch, significant issues ...

QA Sign-Off: The Final Seal of Approval Explained

Imagine you’re planning to throw a big, elaborate party. The crew has decorators, caterers, logistics management, and ...

Process Automation

You must have noticed barcodes on products, especially when purchasing groceries. This is an example of process automation ...

How to test Maps or GIS

Maps or GIS (Geographic Information Systems) have become an integral part of current websites and applications. Previously, we ...
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