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How to Manage Technical Debt Effectively?

Imagine you’re zooming down the highway with the wind in your hair in a high-performance sports car. Suddenly you hear a strange noise from the engine. Instead of pulling over to investigate you crank up the music to ignore it and shift your focus on the thrill of the ride. Initially, everything seems fine. But as time passes that ignored noise turns into a costly breakdown which leaves you stranded. 

This scenario mirrors the reality of technical debt in software development. Just as that engine noise can signal underlying issues, technical debt pops up here and there. It can quietly accumulate when teams prioritize rapid feature delivery over code quality and maintenance.

In this blog post, we’ll explore practical strategies to manage technical debt to ensure that your development process remains as smooth and efficient as that dream drive.

What is Technical Debt?

Technical debt is a concept used in software development to describe the trade-off between the short-term benefits of rapid delivery and the long-term costs of maintaining the system. It occurs when shortcuts are taken in coding, architecture or design, to opt for quick solutions instead of investing time in more robust and sustainable approaches. While this can lead to faster releases it often results in a codebase that is harder to maintain, more prone to bugs, and less adaptable to future changes.

Different Types of Technical Debt

Depending on where the debt arose, you can have different types of debts.

Code Debt

This occurs when developers write code that is functional but not optimal. This may include poor coding practices, lack of adherence to coding standards or code that is hard to read and maintain.

For example,

  • Duplicate code that should be refactored into reusable functions.
  • Lack of unit tests leads to fragile code that is difficult to change.

This kind of debt makes it more difficult to debug and maintain the codebase which leads to longer development cycles and higher costs.

Design Debt

Design debt arises from architectural decisions that limit future flexibility or scalability. It often results from rushed or poorly thought-out design choices made to meet immediate project demands.

For example,

  • Monolithic architectures that make it hard to implement microservices later on.
  • Rigid systems that cannot easily accommodate changes in business requirements.

Design debts make it difficult to adapt software to new features or changes, potentially requiring significant redesign efforts in the future.

Documentation Debt

This type of debt occurs when documentation is either incomplete, outdated or missing altogether. Good documentation is critical for knowledge transfer and onboarding new team members.

For example,

  • Outdated API documentation that doesn’t reflect the current codebase.
  • Lack of clear instructions for setup or configuration.

This increases onboarding time for new developers, reliance on tribal knowledge and the potential for misunderstandings that further lead to errors.

Testing Debt

Testing debt refers to the absence or inadequacy of automated tests such as unit tests, integration tests or end-to-end tests. It often arises when teams prioritize feature delivery over quality assurance.

For example,

  • Lack of unit tests for new features, leading to increased risk of bugs.
  • Incomplete integration tests that fail to cover critical paths.

Testing debt leads to higher chances of defects in production, increased manual testing efforts and a longer time to validate changes.

Infrastructure Debt

Infrastructure debt is incurred when infrastructure components (servers, databases, etc.) are not properly maintained or upgraded. This can include outdated technology, insufficient scaling capabilities or inefficient configurations.

For example,

  • Running applications on deprecated software versions.
  • Using insufficiently provisioned servers that cannot handle increased loads.

The impact of this type of debt is increased downtime, poor performance and difficulty in scaling applications as user demand grows.

Process Debt

This type of debt refers to inefficient workflows or processes that hinder productivity. It often stems from outdated practices or a lack of defined processes.

For example,

  • Manual deployment processes that are error-prone and time-consuming.
  • Lack of clear project management methodologies leading to disorganization.

Process debt leads to decreased team efficiency, increased lead time for feature delivery and potential burnout among team members.

Compliance Debt

Compliance debt arises when systems do not meet necessary legal, regulatory or security standards. This is particularly relevant in industries like finance, healthcare, and data management.

For example,

  • Failing to implement required security measures leads to vulnerabilities.
  • Incomplete data handling practices that do not adhere to GDPR or other regulations. Read: AI Compliance for Software.

This kind of debt gives rise to the risk of legal penalties, loss of customer trust and increased costs related to retroactive compliance efforts.

Integration Debt

Integration debt occurs when systems or components are not properly integrated, leading to inefficiencies or difficulties in communication between parts of the system.

For example,

  • Using outdated APIs that do not follow modern standards.
  • Lack of standardized communication protocols between services.

Integration debt leads to increased latency, difficulties in data exchange and higher maintenance costs due to integration issues.

Architectural Debt

This occurs when the underlying architecture of the software is not well-suited to its current or future needs.

For example,

  • Using a monolithic architecture for a highly scalable application.
  • Ignoring future growth and scalability requirements.

Architectural debt tends to cause increased development costs, difficulty in adding new features and potential system failures.

Performance Debt

Performance debt arises from inefficient algorithms, data structures or hardware choices.

For example,

  • Using a quadratic sorting algorithm instead of a linear one.
  • Not optimizing database queries.

The consequences of this type of debt are poor user experience, scalability issues and increased hardware costs.

How to Identify Technical Debt?

Here are some ways you can spot technical debt during your software development processes.

Code Reviews

Regular code reviews are one of the most effective ways to identify technical debt. During these reviews, team members examine each other’s code to ensure adherence to coding standards and best practices.

What to Look For:

  • Duplicate code or code smells (e.g., large methods, long classes).
  • Lack of comments or documentation explaining complex logic.
  • Inconsistent naming conventions or code structure.

Static Code Analysis

Static code analysis tools automatically analyze code without executing it and identify potential issues and vulnerabilities. These automated tools can analyze code for potential issues, including performance bottlenecks, security vulnerabilities and code quality metrics.

What to Look For:

  • Security vulnerabilities and potential bugs.
  • Areas of code that do not comply with defined coding standards.
  • Complexity metrics indicating problematic areas in the code (e.g., cyclomatic complexity).

Performance Monitoring

Monitoring application performance in real-time can reveal inefficiencies caused by technical debt.

What to Look For:

  • Slow response times that could indicate unoptimized code.
  • Frequent errors or exceptions that may point to flawed logic or design.
  • Resource consumption metrics (CPU, memory usage) highlighting issues.

Developer Feedback and Surveys

Gather insights from the development team and get valuable perspectives on technical debt.

What to Look For:

  • Team members’ experiences with codebase pain points.
  • Areas of the project they find challenging or frustrating to work on.
  • Suggestions for improvement or concerns regarding future scalability.

Bug Tracking and Issue Management

Analyze bug reports and issue-tracking systems to find areas of technical debt.

What to Look For:

Documentation Audits

Review existing documentation as it helps assess completeness and accuracy.

What to Look For:

  • Find missing or outdated documentation for APIs, architecture and workflows.
  • Lack of onboarding materials for new developers.
  • Incomplete explanations of complex systems or algorithms.

Refactoring Sessions

Designated refactoring sessions will provide you with an opportunity to clean up code and identify areas that need improvement.

What to Look For:

  • Sections of code that could benefit from refactoring. This is to improve readability or performance.
  • Areas where design patterns could be applied. This is to improve structure and maintainability.

Architecture Assessments

Going over the overall architecture of the system can reveal design flaws and limitations.

What to Look For:

  • Monolithic structures that hinder scalability.
  • Dependencies between modules that create tight coupling.
  • Insufficient use of design patterns which lead to complex interdependencies.

Technical Debt Backlog

A dedicated technical debt backlog will allow teams to document and prioritize these items.

What to Look For:

  • Items that affect development efficiency, performance or quality.
  • Historical issues or shortcuts taken during development that should be addressed.

Mapping Dependencies

Analyze dependencies between various components and libraries as it can expose areas of technical debt.

What to Look For:

  • Outdated or unsupported libraries that create maintenance challenges.
  • Circular dependencies that complicate changes and increase risk.

How to Manage Technical Debt?

Once you’ve identified technical debt, the next step is to develop a structured approach to address and mitigate it. Here’s a detailed guide on how to manage technical debt effectively:

Step 1: Prioritize Technical Debt Items

  • Assess Impact: Evaluate the impact of each identified debt item on the project. Consider factors like:
    • Potential risk (e.g., bugs, security vulnerabilities).
    • Effects on performance and scalability.
    • How much it hinders new feature development.
  • Use a Prioritization Framework: Apply frameworks like the Eisenhower Matrix or MoSCoW (Must have, Should have, Could have, Won’t have) to categorize debt items.
  • Engage Stakeholders: Involve the development team, product owners and other stakeholders in prioritization discussions to align on what matters most.

Step 2: Create a Technical Debt Backlog

  • Document Debt Items: Maintain a dedicated backlog for technical debt in your issue tracking system (e.g., Jira, Trello).
  • Include Details: For each item include a description, impact assessment and recommended solution.
  • Assign Ownership: Assign team members to take ownership of specific debt items, ensuring accountability and clarity in responsibilities.

Step 3: Incorporate Technical Debt into the Development Process

  • Sprint Planning: Allocate a percentage of each sprint (e.g., 10-20%) specifically for addressing technical debt. This can be done alongside regular feature development.
  • Set Goals: Establish clear goals for addressing technical debt within each sprint, such as “Refactor X module” or “Increase test coverage by Y%.”
  • Track Progress: Use burndown charts or other tracking methods to visualize progress on technical debt items over time.

Step 4: Refactoring as a Continuous Practice

  • Adopt Continuous Refactoring: Encourage a culture of continuous improvement where developers regularly refactor code as part of their daily work.
  • Pair Programming: Use pair programming sessions to facilitate knowledge-sharing and collaborative refactoring efforts.
  • Establish Code Quality Standards: Define coding standards and best practices that promote maintainable and clean code. This will make it easier to reduce debt over time.

Step 5: Implement Automated Testing

  • Increase Test Coverage: Focus on improving unit, integration and end-to-end test coverage, especially in areas with high technical debt.
  • Use Continuous Integration (CI): Implement CI pipelines that run automated tests on every commit to catch issues early and prevent new debt from accumulating. Read: Continuous Integration and Continuous Testing: How to Establish?
  • Use Smart Testing Tools: Look for tools that reduce your work rather than add more to it. A smart test automation tool will be easy to use, give stable test runs and very low test maintenance. A good example of this is testRigor which uses generative AI to make test case creation, execution and maintenance super easy. Such a solution will help you include everyone in the automation process, thus sharing the responsibility of quality assurance.

Step 6: Conduct Regular Technical Debt Reviews

  • Schedule Review Meetings: Hold regular meetings (e.g., monthly or quarterly) dedicated to reviewing the technical debt backlog and progress.
  • Update Priorities: Reassess and update the priorities of debt items based on project needs, team feedback, and any changes in scope.
  • Celebrate Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate the resolution of significant debt items to maintain team morale and commitment.

Step 7: Enhance Documentation Practices

  • Maintain Up-to-Date Documentation: Ensure that all documentation including architecture diagrams, API specs and onboarding guides is kept current.
  • Document Technical Decisions: Record the reasoning behind architectural decisions and shortcuts taken. This helps future developers understand past contexts.
  • Encourage Knowledge Sharing: Promote regular knowledge-sharing sessions to disseminate important information and reduce reliance on tribal knowledge.

Step 8: Monitor and Measure Progress

  • Use Metrics: Define metrics to measure the success of technical debt management efforts such as:
    • Reduction in bug count related to debt items.
    • Improved code quality scores from static analysis tools.
    • Decreased time spent on maintenance tasks.
  • Set Goals for Continuous Improvement: Establish specific, measurable goals related to technical debt reduction and monitor progress over time.

Step 9: Communicate with Stakeholders

  • Regular Updates: Keep stakeholders informed about the status of technical debt management efforts, such as successes and challenges.
  • Educate on the Importance: Help stakeholders understand the implications of technical debt and the need for investment to resolve it to secure future project success.
  • Align on Priorities: Work with stakeholders to ensure that technical debt is viewed as a priority alongside delivering new features.

Challenges with Managing Technical Debt

You will face various challenges once you start actively managing technical debt. Here are some of the most prevalent challenges that you can expect to encounter:

  • Lack of Visibility: Technical debt often goes unnoticed because it is not always clearly documented or visible in the codebase. This lack of awareness can lead to accumulation over time. 
  • Different Priorities: Balancing feature development and technical debt reduction can be difficult. Stakeholders often prioritize new features and business goals over addressing technical debt. 
  • Insufficient Time and Resources: Teams may not have enough time allocated to address technical debt due to tight deadlines or resource constraints. This is especially common in Agile environments where the focus is on delivering features quickly. 
  • Resistance to Change: Team members may resist changing established processes, especially if they are accustomed to shortcuts or legacy systems. Fear of breaking existing functionality can also hinder efforts to address technical debt. 
  • Poor Documentation: Poorly documented code or architecture makes it challenging to understand existing technical debt. Without clear context, it’s hard to prioritize or manage debt items effectively. 
  • Measurement Difficulties: Quantifying technical debt and its impact can be challenging. These metrics are not always well-defined or universally applicable. 
  • Integration with Existing Workflows: Teams may lack frameworks or tools to track and prioritize debt effectively. This disorganization makes technical debt management an afterthought rather than a structured part of the development process.
  • Different Stakeholder Interests: Different stakeholders, like developers, product managers and executives will have different definitions of technical debt. These conflicting perspectives will lead to prioritization issues.
  • Dealing with Legacy Systems and Code: Many organizations deal with legacy systems that are difficult to refactor or replace. The risks associated with making changes to legacy code can deter teams from addressing debt. Read: How to test legacy systems?
  • Organization’s Culture: A company culture that prioritizes speed over quality may discourage developers from giving time to address technical debt.


If not handled properly, technical debt might disrupt your development cycles. The best way to do this is to be proactive and work on it piece by piece through sprints. Integrate refactoring, automated testing, and regular reviews into your workflow and help teams balance innovation and maintenance. 

You can involve stakeholders, maintain visibility, and have a culture that values code quality. By doing so, technical debt can be managed without derailing feature delivery ensuring a smooth and efficient development journey for the future.

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