Blog / Author: Anushree Chatterjee

Functional Testing Types: An In-Depth Look

Say you walk into a car dealer store because you want to purchase a car. You’ve shortlisted a few models that fit within ...

SDET Interview Questions: Your Key to Landing the Job

You can view an SDET (Software Development Engineer in Test) as a more technical version of a manual tester. They write tests, ...

Browser Sandboxing Explained

The IT industry is rapidly evolving thanks to the enhancements in technology. However, every basket has a few rotten apples; for ...

Managing Your Test Environment: What You Need to Know

When a software application is being developed, every stakeholder involved would want to test their part of the application. For ...

Comparing iOS Emulators/Simulators with Real iOS Devices

Apple is one of the most popular tech giants around the globe. They offer many devices that sell like hotcakes in the market. ...

Viewing Desktop Websites on an Android Device: How To

Most websites have a mobile-friendly version that can efficiently run on Android devices like mobile phones or tablets. These ...

How to Find Proxy Settings on Your Computer for Local Testing

Proxy servers act as a middleman between your local system and the internet. In organizations, you will see them being used for ...

Understanding the Software Development Process

Building a software application involves much more than just coding. One needs to gather requirements, chalk out a plan of action ...

Top 10 Tools for Mobile Testing

In early 2023, approximately 5.44 billion individuals were using mobile phones, representing 68 percent of the global population. ...