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BankPoint Testing

The banking sector is one of the most tightly regulated as well as complicated sectors. This is because, along with dealing with people’s financial assets, this sector needs to be highly secure. Hence, you need reliable solutions that offer bank management operations under one roof.

One such solution is BankPoint, which helps financial institutions manage credit approvals, deposits, loan portfolios, and more on a centralized platform.

About BankPoint

Founded in 1999 as VSI Solutions, Inc. and later rebranded, BankPoint has come a long way in carving out a name for itself in this industry.

It is designed to provide a unified system that is easy to use, encompassing various aspects of banking operations. Administrators can use the customizable loan pipeline dashboard to assign tasks, add documents, track customer interaction history, and configure user permissions.

Some of the solutions provided by BankPoint are:

  • Loan pipeline management
  • CRM integration
  • Secure document collection
  • Loan portfolio management
  • Loan review
  • Covenant tracking
  • Customer relationships
  • Treasury pipeline
  • Credit administration
  • Special assets management
  • Deposits management
  • REO management
  • Reporting

Testing BankPoint application

There is no room for error in a banking application. People rely on you to keep their financial assets safe. Hence, you need to pay attention and even invest in stringent QA procedures to win the trust of your customers and grow your business.

BankPoint is known for its customizability, as it offers configurable features and options to adapt the system to specific banking needs. It typically doesn’t allow users to write custom code directly within the system. For more advanced or specific customization needs, BankPoint might offer APIs or integration options that enable it to interact with other systems or software. These integrations can be used to extend the capabilities of BankPoint or to automate workflows between BankPoint and other systems.

Unit and integration testing

Based on these customizations, if there is any code written, then you can write unit tests for just that portion of the code. Likewise, use integration tests to check if the BankPoint system works seamlessly with your existing modules.

Remember that BankPoint tests its own code, so you need not write unit or integration tests for its code.

End-to-end testing

This form of testing is one of the best ways to ensure that your customers experience what you intend; that is, the bank behaves as designed for the customer. Though unit and integration testing do check this at some level, they are agnostic to the bigger picture, that is, if all the smaller units and major system integrations work seamlessly together.

In end-to-end testing, you focus on the customer’s experience when working with your system. This not only runs through various parts of the system with a single workflow but also helps unearth issues that might arise in real time.

You will find many tools in the market that allow you to execute end-to-end tests. You might have heard of tools like Selenium, Cypress, and Cucumber. However, they have their limitations, like dependency on coding, test maintenance overhead, steep learning curve, and more.

Instead, you can opt for a modern and better alternative that gives you the most with the least amount of hassle.

testRigor for end-to-end testing

testRigor is a no-code, AI-based test automation tool that gives you the best of test automation while dealing with all associated complexities by itself. With testRigor, you can automate end-to-end tests, functional tests, UI-based tests, acceptance tests, and even API tests. These tests can be run across multiple platforms, like the web, mobile, and desktop.

A significant advantage of this tool over traditional test automation tools is that it lets you write test cases in plain English. This does not mean you must define each of these English statements using code. testRigor’s generative AI engine interprets the English statements without requiring any coding from your end.

Here’s an example. This is a test case of a manager providing conditional approval based on credit score comparison and requesting additional documents from the applicant.
login as manager
navigate to Pending Approvals Dashboard
click on table "pending" at row "45" and column "Title"
check customer's credit score
compare customer's credit score with threshold
click on “Conditionally Approved”
enter stored value “conditionalApprovalMessage” into “Feedback”
click on “Done”
navigate to Pending Approvals Dashboard
check that table "pending" at row "45" and column "Status" contains "Waiting for documents"

You can create reusable rules that are like reusable methods that can be used across test cases. In the above example, statements like ‘login as manager‘ or ‘check customer’s credit score‘ are reusable rules. You can use plain English commands to define these single-line statements so that the particular operation can be done across test cases with just a single line instead of a series of statements.

With testRigor’s powerful library, you can simply automate various test scenarios, like interacting with table data, uploading files, verifying images, performing 2-factor authentication, and more. The use of AI does not end here. Along with simplified test creation, it also uses AI to reduce your test maintenance load through self-healing.

If your organization uses CI/CD, then integrate testRigor tests with the pipeline for regular testing. You can extend your testing framework with testRigor’s supported integrations with third-party tools and frameworks.

This cloud-based platform offers a scalable solution for testing your BankPoint application and also offers an on-premise solution in case that is what you’re looking for.


While designing your bank solution using BankPoint, be sure to employ good testing practices and tools to ensure the best possible value to your customers. Besides unit, integration, and end-to-end testing, consider other forms of testing like performance and security testing to ensure your banking application can deal with real-world situations.

The bottom line is to seek support from testing tools that ease and keep the testing journey simple. Using intelligent tools such as testRigor helps you focus the team’s time and effort on building robust tests, exploratory testing, and achieving good test coverage. It saves your team from maintaining, debugging, and updating the test script code now and then, thus delivering a quality product in less time and cost.

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