Blog / Category: QA Resources

DevSecOps vs. DevOps: Differences, Tools, and Strategies

What is DevSecOps? DevSecOps stands for Development, Security, and Operations. It’s a way of approaching software ...

Localization vs. Internationalization Testing Guide

Localization (L10N) and Internationalization (I18N) are two terms that usually get interchanged or confuse people. Though these ...

Cloud Testing Guide: Needs, Examples, Tools, and Benefits

The IT industry has been increasingly migrating to the cloud. You can view “the cloud” as computing services — ...

Cross-Device Testing: Strategies and Tools

Before a decade ago, people only accessed the Internet via desktop browsers, and the options available on the Internet were ...

How to Setup OKRs Properly

OKRs, which stands for “Objectives and Key Results,” is a goal-setting framework that has existed since the ...

Top 5 QA Tools to Look Out For in 2024

Earlier, test scripts were written from a developer’s perspective to check whether different components worked correctly ...

Best Practices for Creating an Issue Ticket

“Reminds me of the awesome bug report I saw once: Everything is broken. Steps to reproduce: do anything. Expected result: it ...