Blog / Category: QA Process

The Easiest Way to Automate Acceptance Testing

Acceptance Testing Automation Acceptance testing is a critical step in the software development process that verifies if a system ...

Software Testing Anti-Patterns and Ways To Avoid Them

What are the anti-patterns in software development? An anti-pattern solution in software development may initially seem ...

What is Regression Testing?

If you’ve ever seen a software engineer staring at a bunch of running tests like the future of their life depended on it, ...

Test Traceability: Why Is It So Important?

Being able to link your tests with corresponding requirements, test runs, and defects can save you a lot of time and effort. How ...

The Difference Between Regression Testing and Retesting

Regression testing versus retesting. The two may sound similar, so it can be easy to forget the nuances between these two testing ...

Top 5 BDD Tools: How to Choose Among Them?

The behavior-driven development (BDD) approach is a great way to ensure that your product satisfies customer expectations. If ...

Data Masking: What Do You Need to Know as a QA Professional?

In this digital age where data acts as an open book to anyone who can read it, it is crucial to be protective of this data. Data ...