Blog / Category: QA Resources

How to test Maps or GIS

Maps or GIS (Geographic Information Systems) have become an integral part of current websites and applications. Previously, we ...

Latent Defects Decoded: The Hidden Perils in QA

You must have heard about the Y2K defect, the ‘Millennium Bug,’ where there was a problem in computer systems and ...

Website Testing: A Comprehensive Guide

Today, you can find a website for every business, whether small, medium, or large. Companies are available online through ...

SDET Interview Questions: Your Key to Landing the Job

You can view an SDET (Software Development Engineer in Test) as a more technical version of a manual tester. They write tests, ...

Browser Sandboxing Explained

The IT industry is rapidly evolving thanks to the enhancements in technology. However, every basket has a few rotten apples; for ...

Managing Your Test Environment: What You Need to Know

When a software application is being developed, every stakeholder involved would want to test their part of the application. For ...

How to Do Version Controlling in Test Automation

What is Version Control? Version control, known by different names like source control and revision control, is the practice of ...

Risk-based Testing: A Strategic Approach to QA

There is no doubt that Formula 1 has the best risk management of any sport and any industry in the world. – Sir Jackie ...
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