Generative AI-Based Testing Certification
Generative AI-Based Testing Certification
Basics of Test Automation
- Software test automation is the process of using software to validate that the features of an application work as expected.
- The first candidates for automation are typically smoke and regression tests because they are very time consuming and tedious to execute manually, which makes it difficult to release new features in a timely manner.
- Companies typically would love to build as many automated test cases as possible, since they save a lot in execution time and eliminates issues due to human error in manual testing. However, this is hard to achieve since most automation software require code to build test cases, which are very complex and time consuming to create and maintain. testRigor was created to solve these problems.
- In the case of web testing, automation software will open a browser, go to the URL of the system being tested, and execute steps and validations specified by the person who created the test script. In the case of mobile testing, a version of a mobile application before it is uploaded to the App Store/Play Store will be tested. This version is uploaded to an emulator/simulator or a real device, and test cases are executed.
- Some tests are easier to automate than others. Read more about how to prioritize them here.
- Back in the 2000s, test automation was a complex programming task that required professional software developers to write automated test scripts. Now virtually anyone can do it with testRigor.